Don't Leave Me

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Summary: Serkan experiences a moment where he could truly lose Eda.

A/N: This was a request. It's not long but I hope you like it anyway.

Serkan's chest rose and fell at a rapid pace, his heart thundering in his chest. His skin was crawling, panic seizing him.

His clothes were drenched, and his head was throbbing. His ribs ached, but none of that mattered.

He could hear the cries of Alp and Kiraz a few feet away, but he couldn't bring himself to reassure them. He hated that he couldn't comfort them, but he could not lose focus.

His arms pumped as he pressed his hands against Eda's chest. Giving her something that he never imagined he would have to.


She wasn't breathing and her skin was pale, her lips tinged a frightening blue.

The rain continued to pour down with the freezing wind cutting sharply at his skin.

He stared into the face of his wife and his world was collapsing in on itself. Today was supposed to be a good day. An amazing day.

It was Eda's birthday. They were coming back from a dinner with their friends, after celebrating. He had a present waiting for her at home.

She had to make it home. He couldn't do this without her.

She couldn't leave him.

She was cold. It wasn't right.

Eda radiated warmth and happiness.

This should not be happening.

Kiraz and Alp's cries got louder and Serkan saw his life flashing before him.

One without the love of his life. It was empty of her warmth. He had his children she gave him, but it wasn't the same.

He lost his smile, his happiness, his will to live.

He didn't want his only reason to go on to be only his children. He needed their mother.

"Eda, please, my love, please, come back!" He pressed harder and harder with every downward push, his tears mixing with the rain on his wet skin, his voice breaking as he begged for her to come back to him.

His heart cracked wide open, splintering with every second that went by that she didn't open her eyes.

The life is being sucked out of him with every second she doesn't breathe.

She was his breath. He couldn't breathe.

What was the reason for all his pain and suffering and finally learning to love just for it to be stripped from him, leaving his children without their mother.

He knew better than anyone that life could be cruel, but not to this degree.

What kind of higher power could ever justify taking away the angel that lit up his world? His soulmate, his reason for being, the amazing mother to his children, the one woman who was put on this earth to bring life back into every person who met her?

It wasn't possible.

He pressed down on her chest again and again, never stopping. He refused to give up, even as his heart shattered, his arms shaking from the exertion, fighting back sobs as he heard the hysterical cries of his children get louder.

His world dimmed, darkening with every failed attempt until finally, a string of coughs was ripped from Eda's chest, wracking her upper body.

Serkan quickly turned Eda onto her side, allowing her to expel the excessive amounts of water from her lungs.

Eda's hands reached out, grasping for his arms, her eyes shooting open.

When he was sure there was no more water for her to expel, he pulled her into the circle of his arms, clasping her to his chest, and let the sobs overtake him.

His relief was so palpable.

"Serkan," Eda's voice was hoarse.

"You're okay." he moved back just enough to push her wet hair back and cup her face. "I almost lost you."

"I'm sorry." Eda had never seen such fear in his eyes. Not even when he was sick and was scared, he was going to die. Nor has she ever seen such pain in his eyes.

She cupped his face, noting blood trailing down the side of his face, and leant her forehead against his. "You didn't. I'm still here."

"Don't leave me." Serkan's voice broke with desperation.

"Never." Eda vowed and pressed a hard kiss to his lips.

"Mom!" Eda barely had time to pull away from her husband before Kiraz and Alp's small bodies collided with hers as they threw their arms around her, tears streaking down their little faces.

"I'm okay, I'm okay.'' She held them tightly to her, needing the closeness. She looked over shoulder at her husband, her chest tightened painfully. He was still visibly rattled, shook to his core by the experience of almost losing her.

Anyone looking at him would know he was holding on by a tether, trying to be strong for his family as his eyes shine with unshed tears.

She lifted her hand that was wrapped around Kiraz and waved him forward, toward their family, toward her, needing to reassure him and feel him close.

Serkan dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around his family, kissing the top of his children's head, then his wife's temple before leaning his forehead against hers and breathing her in.

He knew he needed to call for an ambulance. Their car had gone over a small bridge, but the dam had broken, submerging them. He had barely gotten them all out. The kids needed to be checked out. Eda needed to be checked out. His head was pounding, his ribs hurt, but he needed just a moment with her and the children. Let it set in that they were all ok, that Eda, who he had been so close to losing, was still here with him.

She didn't leave him to go somewhere he couldn't follow.

He had never been more grateful than to feel the warmth of her skin against his.

He pressed a hard kiss to her lips, whispering vows of his love.

Eda closed her eyes, his love washing over her. Hating that she was still scared, her shoulders shaking but grateful that they had pulled thought like they always do.

She knew this experience was only going to strengthen them and would be a reminder that everyday together was a gift that should always be cherished. 

Eda's Robot, Serkan's Fairy GirlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora