I Can't Let You Go

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Summary: Serkan is overwhelmed with guilt after regaining his memories and believes Eda would be better off without him. Eda is not having it

A/N: I haven't watched the newest episodes yet so this is all speculation on my part from what I've seen on my Twitter feed.

"You can't be serious?" Eda looked at Serkan with a look of disbelief.

It had only been a few weeks since Serkan regained his memory. A few weeks of them being together and trying to find their way back to how they were before.

Maybe there was no way of finding their way back before the pain they both suffered at the hands of his memory loss and Selin's manipulation and everyone around them making the situation so much worst.

It didn't mean things were done between them it just meant they had to find a new way. They had to work through all the things that threaten to tear them apart.

There was this underline tension of pain and guilt and it had only been a matter of time before it all came to ahead and Eda was expecting it.

She couldn't imagine Serkan not wanting to be with her. He loved her, she knew that. Hell, he had kept his promise and fell in love with her again before he regained his memories.

Hearing him say otherwise was throwing her off.

"We shouldn't be together." Serkan hated to say it but it was what he felt. After everything he put her through he knew Eda deserved better. So much better.

His world had been torn apart the moment he regained his memories. How could he have treated the woman he loved so cruelly? So heartlessly? How could he had been so indifferent to her tears and the pain he caused her?

Their love was like the brightest star and he cast it down from the sky. Eda was his brightest star and he made her light dim with every careless act and disregard for her feelings, causing her to fall.

And for what? Selin? A woman he never even loved?

How could he had been so naive to allow Selin to manipulate him?

How could he had been so afraid of the best damn thing to ever happen to him that he ran way in a panic every single time, he felt something remotely real or overwhelming?

And he hurt her. Pushing her away because he was scared of the way she made him feel.

He remembers every pained expression, every look of betrayal, every tear she cried in front of him, her pleas for him to remember.

How could he have caused her so much pain? He loved her so much and all he ever did was hurt her. After how he treated her, he no longer deserved her. Didn't have the right to touch her.

"Are you saying this because I said we weren't getting married right now?" Eda asked, she didn't give him time to answer. "Serkan, that doesn't mean I no longer want to marry you. I just think we need to get used to being together again, to being us before taking such a huge step."

With everything that happened, she was still trying to adjust, Serkan had spent the last month treating her as a stranger, looking at her with indifference. She was no longer used to Serkan looking at her with so much love in his eyes, she felt it in her entire being, or the way a single touch of his hand upon her body can bring her alive.

"I'm just not currently there Serkan. I need time and I think so do you. You have been through something traumatic both in your accident and what Selin did to you. You're still-"

"This isn't about me." Serkan interrupted. "It's about you and what you deserve and that's not someone who is broken, still trying to piece himself back together."

Yes, he had regained his memories and Eda was right he was still working through everything that happened since he came back. However, he could not understand how he could have treated Eda so cruelly.

Still, it was no excuse. He should have questioned Selin. A part of him should've known she was a liar. He should have known that out of everyone is was Eda who he could trust. He should have wanted to remember her and it killed him that he ran away because he was too afraid of feeling something real.

"You listen to me, Serkan." Eda cupped his face in her hands, her body pressing against his. "You are not broken. Your bruised and you have scars but they do not define you." She moved her right hand to his chest, resting it over his heart. "This is what defines you. Your mind forgot me but your heart didn't. It has always known you are mine and I am yours. We deserve to be happy. Don't take that from us."

"I don't have the right to be happy with you after how I treated you." Tears filled Serkan's eyes. "I don't want to cause you any more pain." he gently took her hand off his face and stepped back making her hands fall to his side.

"Then stop this right now," Eda demanded. "Hearing you say you can't be with me is hurting me. It's like a knife to my chest," her lashes grew wet with unshed tears.

"Eda." Serkan's eyes shut, unable to take the anguish in her eyes.

"No, look at me!" Eda demanded and Serkans' eyes snapped open. "You don't get to make this decision for the both of us. You don't get to walk away because things are messy! I love you Serkan and unless you tell me you don't love me anymore, I'm not gonna let this be the end for us."

"Of, course I love you. I love you with every drop of blood, every bone, every cell, every fiber in my being. I am always going to love you. No matter what but you yourself once said sometimes love is not enough."

"I also believe our love is worth fighting for, don't you?" Eda couldn't be the only one fighting for them. She needed him to do the same.

"Yes, absolutely but how do we move forward? How do I live with the mistakes I've made? How could you possibly forgive me for my cruelty, the pain I have caused you?"

Eda hated the anguish in his voice. It matched the pain he had caused in her chest ever she saw him with Selin.

Eda moved forward without warning, pressing her front against his, her hands sinking into his hair, and pulled him down to her, crushing her mouth against his.

Serkan melted against her automatically, his hands coming around her waist, wrapping his self around her as he opened his lips to her seeking tongue, the kiss deepening.

Eda swallowed Serkan's every breath, her heart pounded in her chest when she pulled back to stare into his eyes. "We will get through this like we have everything else. Together. We move forward because it's all we can do. Let's leave the pain in the past. Your right you have made mistakes and you were cruel and mean and you broke my heart repeatedly but we can move past this. I know we can because you kept your promise to me."

"What promise?" he asked as he tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear, his thumb caressing her earlobe.

"You came back and you fell in love with me without your memories just like you said you would." Eda smiled brightly.

"How anyone could not fall in love with you is beyond my understanding. I want to do what's right and I know after everything I put you through you, you should be the one walking away but, having you in my arms, feeling you against me, I know I can't do it. God, help me, I can't let you go. I love you too damn much and I can't breathe when you're not here."

"I told you Serkan I will be the breath you breathe." Eda reached up to cup his jaw.

"No, you're so much more than that." Serkan moved forward his lips brushing hers. "You are everything to me, my fairy girl, my stars, my love, the other half of my soul, my life. Eda, for me you are my everything."

Tears filled Eda's eyes. "It's the same for me,"

"God, I love you so much, it overwhelms me." Serkan's mouth closed over her in an all-consuming kiss.

He may not deserve Eda but he was damn well going to do everything in his power to change that.

A/N: I had planned on having this post a few hours earlier but I feel like crap and ended up falling asleep. My health has turned against me and well, I didn't feel like being productive at all.

Anyway, I hope you liked this.

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