A horrible human being

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(This SS talks about what would have happened if Hiyori had proposed Ayanokoji in Volume 11.5.)

"I think I love you, Ayanokoji-kun!"

We were currently at Keyaki mall when she suddenly blurted out those words.

Hiyori had called me here saying that she had wanted to talk about the new books she had got her hand on.

It was spring break and I didn't have anything better to do so I accepted it.

But later when I thought about my plan for the end of the spring break, I decided to call Kei and have her witness this scene between me and Hiyori play out.

I had thought I would judge her reaction when she sees me and Hiyori here and proceed accordingly.

But I hadn't expected her to say something like that to me.

Shina Hiyori, a student from Class C.

She should have been an enemy, and of course, she still is an enemy. 

But things were different between the two of us.

Things were different when the two of us read books together like this.

I enjoyed talking about these books with her and she seemed to enjoy it as well.

By reading books, we had become good 'friends', I guess.

But, never in a million years, had I imagined she would confess to me.

From what I had observed, she didn't seem like someone to say things like this randomly without calculating.

Is this something she had calculated beforehand or not?

I snapped out of that quickly because there were more important matters at hand.

I had to give her an answer.

She is a really good girl and to boot, we have similar tastes in books. She sure is cute and has got a well-endowed figure.

Normally, any guy would have been happy receiving a confession from such a beautiful girl.

But I was at a loss.

I knew she would feel bad but I had no other choice.

I decided to turn her down.

First of all, she was someone from an enemy class.

In the future, a clash was inevitable. At that time we couldn't bother to consider our own feelings and drag our respective classes down.

Secondly, she wasn't going to be 'useful' to me.

Because I knew that this girl lived a completely different life from me.

Our existence should have nothing in common.

However, there were some similarities in our thoughts and ideas.

Why we were able to get close and grow comfortable around each other was still a mystery to me.

So, because of these two reasons, I decided to turn her down.

"You don't have to answer right now. You can take your time. I will wait as long as it would take."

Because of the lack of response from my side, she must have thought that I was having a hard time giving an answer to her right now and showed genuine concern.

But I had decided to turn her down right here and right now.

If I procrastinated on this answer, she might accumulate more and more hope. And if I turned her down after that, all the hope she had built up until then might crumble and she might be overtaken by despair.

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