Trap or an accident?

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I looked around to see whether anyone was around. It was 9 pm so the chances were less but it still didn't hurt to be more cautious.

Just as I had been informed, I knocked on the door once and turned the lock to open the door.

Immediately after opening the door, I froze in my place.

What entered my sight was white steam rising to the ceiling from the body of a figure so divine that I could almost feel my soul cleansing.

Skin, as white as virgin snow; long and slender white legs with plum thighs peeking from under the towel that seemed so short that one could say it was non-existent and the voluptuous bust that the towel was having a difficult time holding in. Her long wet and black locks clung to her body and the water was sliding down her smooth figure.

"...How long are you going to stare?"

Silently I closed the door. I heard the rustle of clothes from the other side while I prayed that today wouldn't be my last day.

"You may come in."

I was hesitant to go but I knew more than to anger her further.

Speechlessly, I sat down on the cold floor in a dogeza awaiting my trial and the punishment to follow after.

"So? Do you have anything to say?"

Her tone was 20 degrees colder than the north pole.

"It was you who said to knock once and enter silently as you would leave the door open."

It was nighttime and she didn't want anyone else seeing me going inside her room at this time. That was why we had decided on this procedure that she would leave the door open, I would knock once and silently enter.

For a while, the room was eerily silent. The situation was getting kind of unbearable.

I heard her exhaling and plopping down in her bed.

"This time I admit that I was partly at fault. I should have been more careful."

I looked up at her in surprise. There were two things in her statement that caught my attention.

First: the fact that she was partly at fault. It was she who decided on the above course of actions so it was completely her fault that this situation had come to pass. Secondly, however, I was surprised that she admitted that it was also her fault, though she added partly to her statement.

"Huh? You have got something to say?"

I shook my head in denial.

Thinking logically it should have been her fault. But logic didn't matter when I was in a situation where one mistake could make this my last day. And I was also guilty that I looked at her figure, too long, indeed. It is now engraved in my memory never to be forgotten ever.

"Although I say my fault, it should be known that you are still guilty for the sin you have just committed. So, I would have you do something for me so you could cleanse your sins."

"Wait, hold on a second."


"You said that you wouldn't set me up, didn't you?"

"And you believed?"

So, according to her, I was in her trap now. But then..

"Why are your cheeks red?"

"It is hay fever."

She was insisting that she had set me up.  

"I didn't think you would stoop this low." 

"Well, if it means getting you to run errands for me then I don't find this particularly bad."

If I were to interpret her words in simpler words, then she meant that she would do anything as long as it meant getting my cooperation. Anything, huh...?

"Ayanokoji-kun, it would be better if your thoughts didn't wander to the other world."

Her gaze pierced my heart with unbearable force and I purged the evil thoughts from my brain.

"All in all, it is your fault. So, you will have to run some errands for me."

I was a fool to have believed this woman. But today I wasn't going to comply.

"It was all an accident Horikita so I don't think I need to do anything you demand."

I wasn't going to compromise and I can't be trapped by this evil woman every time.

Sorry, Horikita. This time it would be of no use. I wouldn't agree to cooperate this time. 

"Ayanokoji-kun, what if I were to report this accident to Karuizawa-san."

"Please give me the details."

The vile woman I'm front of me sneered at her victory.

After getting briefed about the details, I slowly closed the door to the torture room.

From the other side of the door, I heard the sound of someone stomping the floor hard, throwing pillows and utensils accompanied by inhuman screaming.

"She should have admitted that it was just an accident. What a stubborn woman she is." 

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