Ichika Amasawa SS

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All I had was his data and his facial structure. His data, his records, all were extraordinary and unbelievable. I didn't know whether I should really believe the numbers spread out before my eyes. The numbers floating before my eyes were familiar, but somehow it seemed alien to me. But I knew that the White Room would never fabricate such data. So, this person named Ayanokoji Kiyotaka really is amazing, huh?

After seeing his data I had the sudden urge to meet him. Perhaps the teacher noticed that and although they didn't let me talk to him in person, they let me see him from the other side of the glass.


That was the only word that came to mind. I was an extraordinary child even in the White Room and even I couldn't possibly hope to reach that level. He almost seemed insane.

From that day, I have always dreamed of him, of meeting him in person. But I knew that was impossible. Although I knew that, I never gave up on the dream that one day I would be able to meet him in person.

And perhaps God heeded my call and I finally got the chance to meet him in person, although the circumstances weren't exactly favorable. But a chance was a chance nonetheless.

When I first saw him, I had the urge to go up and talk to him straight but that might have alarmed him and I wouldn't be able to evaluate him from up close. 

Yes, I wanted to evaluate him. From what the numbers showed me and from what I have seen of him in the White Room, there was no doubt that he was amazing but only those factors didn't determine what a person was really like. To discern that, one had to be close to that person and observe them.

That was exactly what I was trying to do. I wanted to know, what kind of person is the one that I admired is exactly? For a few days, I just watched over him from a distance.

He was living like any other student in this school. Going to school, hanging around with friends, and going back to his dorms. He had a really good face and I could tell that some of the girls around him had feelings for him. And he seemed oblivious. No, that wasn't it. He knew but just feigned ignorance so as not to make things awkward. But what the hell?! He actually had a girlfriend! He was probably keeping that fact a secret as I didn't see them hanging around at school nor did I hear any rumors. It was kinda exciting, you know, secret love!

 After a long time of observing him, I finally managed to strike a conversation with him. The way he talked, was almost as if he was seeing through my every move. He had a calm air around him and when I looked into his eyes, my blood ran cold. Whoever had the capacity to peek at that abyss must have definitely felt that terror. And let me tell you, no matter how many times I see those eyes, I couldn't bring myself to be completely calm.

After meeting him in person and talking to him, I finally understood how special he was.

He was a brilliant person but hid under the covers never taking credit for what he had done and letting others shine in the light. He was considerate. He was adept at figuring out other people's intentions and maybe that ability made him able to act according to the situation. He was trustworthy and actually many of the people around him, subconsciously depended upon him. And he was equally cruel. He won't be the initiator but if push came to shove he would make sure to finish things up nicely and overwhelmingly. What a truly wonderful person he was.

Yes, after all this, there was no way I wouldn't be moved. One could say that I was a faithful devotee of his and it wasn't taking it too far.

Yes, I truly admired him but fate had some other plans in store for me.

I truly want to be on your side but I couldn't. Because there were people I had known longer than you and people that I had to protect. Actually, there was no need to protect them. Any other student from the White Room would probably cast them away and work towards what they want. But I was different. There was no way I could leave them be. More than need, it was a matter of will and wish. I am surprised that I was capable of being this passionate.

But there is nothing I could do. What a cruel fate. When that time comes I would be able to do nothing but watch from a distance.

But I know, that if it's you, you would be able to come out of this situation. And if possible. maybe, save me as well.

Yes. if possible, I want him to save me as well. Like a hero saving a damsel in distress. How amazing that would be!

I know that my voice couldn't possibly reach you from here, but I believe that you would definitely save me.


Here is the Ichika Amasawa SS that you had wanted @akabaneslytherin. More than Ichika meeting Ayanokoji for the first time that you had requested, it is something like her monologue. But hope you liked it!

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