Chapter Four: Visitors

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   Almost a year had passed since the appearance of Lilith, everyone was still unaware as to where she came from. In all honesty, they didn't really care where she came from, she was theirs now. The gang had adjusted their lifestyle to fit in another member, and they did it with pride. 

Though it was difficult to raise a baby, never mind in the Underground City, the group was doing the best they could. 

Sometimes it was difficult for them to get money down there, so they would split into pairs and go do some jobs. They would take turns being home and taking care of Lilith, Levi was the one to be home the most. He somehow managed to form a connection with her that not even he understood, but he was grateful for this.

Though Lilith wasn't very fussy to begin with, she was still no angel. After all, she was still a baby.

. . .

"Hey there kiddo, stop ya cryin will ya?" Furlan questioned the crying baby. Isabel and Levi had left Lilith with Furlan for the day so they could go and get more supplies, but she had been off for the past few days. Even with Levi. 

Furlan brought over another trusted friend to see if there was something wrong, but nothing was found. Lilith had no fever, runny nose, or any other signs of being ill, but it wasn't like they could just up and ask her.

They did their best to raise her, but they knew almost nothing about taking care of a baby, never mind how the demeanor of one should be. They had no idea if this was normal or not. According to Furlan's friend, she was in perfect health.

. . .

The baby continued to wail, and with the reason still unknown. She's outgrown her little baby basket she came in so a little bed was made for her and set into a spare room in their house, this was where she laid now. Furlan walked over to her and lifted her above his head.

"Why you gotta keep cryin? They'll be back soon." He asked the raised infant. Instead of continuing her ear piercing cry, she stopped, and... laughed?

"Oh? Ya like bein up there?" He said with a snicker. He tossed her up, just a few inches out of his reach, and caught her. She began to laugh more, her tears leaving her bright blue eyes. She was full of life. He continued to do this for a little bit, the bond grew stronger between them. Now both laughing, the two had their fun, until he heard a rather loud bang on the door.

"Huh? Why're you makin all that noise for? We're not handing out jobs right now, come back la-" He got cut off by the door being slammed open. Intruders.

He quickly put Lilith down and reached for his blade in his back pocket. He then scaled the two men at the door. One large, one skinny, both around his height (6ft). The large one came lunging at him with a knife aimed to his chest.

Furlan swiftly dug his blade into his stomach. It was too easy. 

The skinny man then swore and threw himself towards Furlan, barely giving him time to react. He managed to move, leaving a grazed cut across his cheek. 'Too close' he thought to himself. 

He noticed that the skinny man was eyeing Lilith, he had to act fast. He lunged himself near where she lay, just in time to grab the armed man's neck, tackling him to the ground.

Furlan mounted himself on top of the still alive intruder,

"Who are you?! What's your goal?! How did you know how to get here!?" Furlan yelled, to which the skinny man didn't reply, he was too busy struggling to get Furlan off his airway. He brought his blade to the man's neck, asking again. Still no reply. The intruder then fainted, and Furlan was left clueless. 


I'm going back through my first few chapters to edit and please why did no one tell me how bad my grammar and spelling was/is lol

These were posted impulsively because I was excited to start posting but don't worry I started putting way more effort into my newer chapters

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