Chapter Six: Disgusting

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Hi there, before this chapter gets read I just wanted to add a minor trigger warning. This chapters involves mild torture so please read at your own risk!

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 In the basement, Furlan restrained the skinny intruder to a sturdy wooden chair, being sure he wasn't going anywhere without assistance. He tied his arms and legs with leather strips that were used as whips. He made sure to put a piece loosely around his neck, knowing Levi will find use for it later.

Once Isabel was back from disposing of the larger body, Levi handed Lilith to her and made his way down the stairs and into the basement, his heart cold as ever. He didn't want Lilith to hear what was coming, but he wasn't taking her out of this house, especially given what happened just moments ago. He made sure the door was as closed as he could get it.

Levi entered the back room, prepared to do whatever he needed to get information about this man and his goal. He looked up at Furlan, who's eyes were almost dead,

"Oi, pull yourself together. It's not like you've never had to kill before." He bumped Furlan's shoulder with a fist.

"I know."

"Then what's with the face?"

"What if I wasn't fast enough? What if I didn't make it in time to block this bastard from getting to Lilith...? I almost didn't," Furlan hissed, wiping the blood from his wounded cheek.

"Go cover that up, it's gonna get infected. And you're bleeding all over my floors." Levi instructed, Furlan nodded and left the room, being sure the door was tightly closed behind him.

The skinny man started to regain consciousness as Furlan walked out of the room, though he didn't notice, but Levi did.

He coughed as the dirty air from the basement stung his lungs. 'Perfect timing.' Levi let out a snicker before walking over and punching him, hitting his jaw dead on.

"Who are you?" Levi said, grabbing a handful of the man's hair and tilting his head up. He didn't reply. "I don't like to be ignored," Levi stated, his eyes going darker, readying himself to launch another hit on the intruder. "So I suggest you answer my questions."

The man continued to struggle to ignore him, trying to keep his head low.

"Fine, we can do this the hard way," Levi said, still remaining too calm. He pulled a blade from this hip and brought it to the stranger's hand that was tightly bound to the arms of the chair.

"What's your name?" He asked firmly. The man gulped as he knew what was coming with his silence.

The man let out a scream as Levi began to pierce his skin with the knife, slowly pushing the weapon through his dirty hands. "Oi," Levi snarled. "Keep it down, you're gonna scare my baby." Levi didn't hesitate, he twisted the knife stuck in the man's hand, leading to another blood curdling scream. "I said be quiet."

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Isabel clutched the baby close, covering her ear with one hand and used her chest to block the other. Furlan stuffed a rag under the basement door trying to block out the screams of intruder from the other room. There was nowhere they could go, they knew they couldn't leave with the baby, so they improvised.

"How long is this gonna go on for?" Isabel asked with a sigh.

"Until Levi gets all the answers he needs." Furlan said, the life slowly crept back to his eyes.

"I hate when he does this," Isabel continues as Furlan walks up the stairs, "especially with a baby in the house." The two mates were getting antsy. They wanted to know why their baby was in harm's way.

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"Ready to talk yet?" Levi asked as he brought his knee to the man's face, landing a blow directly to his nose. Finally, the man nodded in agreement, "Good," Levi growled. He pulled over another chair and took a seat, sitting backwards so he had the back of the chair facing the broken nosed man.

"What's your name," Levi asked, putting his finger on the knife that stuck in the man's thigh. The man lifted his face up ever so slightly and groaned,

"My name... is Seth..." He stopped, knowing either way he was as good as dead. It's either he told him now and died, or died a slow painful death from torture and blood loss.

"Well, who do ya work for?" Levi asked, tilting the knife that was dug into the man's leg sideways, slicing more flesh.

The man laughed, he knew it was his end. Either his boss was going to kill him, or the black-haired man that stood before him was. Either way, he was as good as dead.

Levi snapped, he started beating him in every way he could, breaking his jaw, nose, ribs, and even managed to break his arms. They both knew he wasn't going anywhere alive. Half of his teeth on the floor, followed by all his nails and a few fingers.

Levi walked over to the door, staring at the now bled out man, his head other thought the mess he made. He walked out of the room, covered in blood,

"One of you, take care of the body, I'm gonna clean myself up..." His voice was quiet and cold, he looked pale. Furlan and Isabel knew this wasn't because of what he did, this wasn't new to him. There was something else on his mind.

His two friends were in shock by how much blood was covering Levi, though he had no injuries. Furlan stood and made his way to the door where the body rested behind, preparing himself to see the work of his, temporarily, heartless friend.

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Levi cleaned himself and made his way towards Isabel, who was sitting on the couch with Lilith in arm.

"Give her to me." His voice was shaky. Levi gently took the now sleeping baby from her and sat, admiring the life in his arms. She brought him back down to Earth after he let his head get the best of him. He would never forgive himself if he had lost her. 


Heyo, so as i said before i'm going back and editing my chapters and adding chapter names and such

If a chapter has a name then it's completed and edited but if it doesn't then it's not fully done

i'm not changing the story or anything, just the grammar and spelling mistakes i missed before so please no hate, i'm still pretty new at this

anyway, i hope everyone is enjoying this story so far, it only gets better from here!

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