Chapter Twenty-Nine

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hey guys! sorry for the wait again. my laptop's finally fixed so i can post a chapter. though i have some bad news. after this chapter i'm taking a little break from posting so i can write more without rushing it to post. it'll probably be for a couple weeks, just enough to get a good amount of writing done. i hope you guys will still be willing to read when i come back. thank you so much for the support thus far, i really appreciate it. but anyway, have a good read! 


   She was back in her cell, her body burning up. She could feel every cut, bump, and bruise screaming on her skin. She felt the cold ground hugging her shaking body, her only sense of sanity was quickly creeping away.

Within a blink she was chained to the wall again. Her screams filled the echoing hall of cells before her. She could see a man slashing at her with a whip, laughing hysterically at her pleads for freedom. She thrashed her body around, her screams grew louder, until,

"LILITH!?" Levi barged through the bedroom door, nearly breaking it down. Lilith lay thrashing herself in bed, her eyes closed, piercing screams left her pained throat. Levi ran over to her, almost slipping on her rug but caught himself. He grabbed her shoulders to stop the thrashing. "LILITH! WAKE UP!" He yelled, he didn't know what to do. "PLEASE!" He begged for her to wake up but nothing happened. He had to stop her movement before she opened up her wounds. "Think you fucking idiot! Think!" he yelled to himself. He was worried he would have to restrain her.

Before he made another move, her eyes shot open. At the sight of him, she threw herself off her bed and away from him. She scurried into the corner of her room. Levi jumped over her bed and ran in her direction.

"Lilith! Are you-"

"Stay back!" She yelled, tucking her head into her knees.

"Lilith..." Levi dropped to his knees a few feet in front of her. "It's Levi, you're safe..." He softly said while inching towards her.

"I SAID STAY BACK! I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! I CAN'T OR YOU'LL KILL ME!" She screamed again, she was only getting louder. Levi pieced together that she wasn't fully here, but what to do? He couldn't leave her here while getting a doctor. Does he just go for it? If she stays in a ball like that, her stomach wounds will reopen.

"Lilly..." Levi sat criss-cross and brought his knees up to wrap his arms.

"Don't call me that! Only he-!" Lilith's eyes widened, though the life in them was gone. Her sudden pause made Levi's eyes shoot up.

"Dad!" She ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck. "Don't let them take me back! I don't wanna go back! I can't go back! He'll kill me!" She wailed into Levi's neck, her words hurt. He held her tightly,

"I'm never letting you go back. He's gone Lilly, he can't hurt you anymore." He said, now calm. The two remained on the floor in an embrace, until he noticed his chest felt warm and damp. 'Shit!' "Lilly, you're bleeding!" Before she could pull away, her vision went dark, she collapsed onto Levi.

He shot up, holding her in bridal, and ran out the door and down the stairs. He had to get her to the hospital.

.   .   .

Levi ran through the dark streets, lit only by the moon. He ran until he made it to the hospital. Barging through the door, he yelled,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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