Chapter Eight: The Upper-Hand

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 Gang leader Furlan left the hideout early this morning, reason: unknown. This had become a common thing for the past few weeks. He would leave during the early hours of the day and not return until late into the night. When he returned, he would have boxes full of clanking metals, but wouldn't share what was in them to his comrades. Until one night,

"Levi, Isabel, come in here for a sec," He asked, peeking his head out from another room and into the living room where Levi, Isabel and Lilith sat on the couch. Isabel picked up Lilith and followed Levi into the other room. "I wanna show you guys something." Furlan continued while starting to open the sealed boxes. Once opened, he began taking the items out.

Long skinny silver gas tanks, big boxy blade holders, decently sharp iron wiring, brown leather hand grips with silver frames, and a bunch of belts that seemed impossible to wear. It was all stored in the multitude of boxes that laid in the once empty room.

"What is all of this?" Isabel asked, taking the hand grips, that the baby somehow got a hold of, out of her tiny hands. Furlan answered with a grin on his face,

"It's called Omni-Directional Mobility Gear, ODM for short, or 3D maneuver gear. It's what the scouts use to zip around and kill titans."

"Ohh, I know what you're talking about, but how'd you get a hold of it?" Isabel questioned.

"Don't worry about it, but now that it's here, we'll be able to have more control over this place. We need all we can get."

"That's what you've been doing these past few weeks? Getting all this stuff?" Levi asked with slight irritation in his voice, he doesn't like being kept in the dark. He wished he knew about this sooner so he didn't have to worry about where his friend was all those hours.

"Not only getting it, but training with it. A few guys who worked for me a while back knew a guy, so I thought I'd take a chance."

"You shouldn't have been going alone, trust no one, idiot." Levi scolded.

"I had to, the guy wanted me alone. He thought if I brought anyone it was to jump him and get this for free," he tapped the gear.

"Wait, how much did you pay for all this?" Isabel asked, her voice a bit shaky.

"A few jobs, don't worry about it."

"So, how do we use it?" Furlan stood and responded to Levi's question.

"Follow me," He said with a big grin. 


Hello :)

I hope you guys are enjoying this story,

I know in the og No Regrets series Levi and Furlan already had OMD when Isabel came, but I needed a little bit of ~spice~

I'm also almost at 200 reads and I really wasn't expecting to get any when I posted this so that's awesome and thanks guys, i know that might not seem like a lot compared to a lot of other writers but still it makes me really happy :)

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