Chapter Ten: Coming Close

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   "We're heading out." Levi firmly stated to Isabel. Him and Furlan had some business to take care of in the city, leaving her and Lilith alone for a while.

"Yeah yeah, we'll be fine" Isabel said, smiling as she played with the growing little lady.

"Where you going?" Lilith asked, paying close attention to her homemade dolls. Her voice was quiet and gentle, almost as if there was a hint of worry in her question.

"We'll be back in a bit kiddo," Furlan answered, kneeling down and ruffling her jet black hair before setting a loving tap on her nose and standing.

"Isabel." Levi gave her a look worth a million words.

"I know." She answered, knowing just what he meant. 'Keep your guard up.' She said in her head.

The three learned to communicate with less words and more looks for the sake of their learning little one. She liked to ask questions she didn't yet understand the answers to. Though, the soon-to-be three year old was much smarter than she looked. She can form (almost) complete sentences, still more than others her age could do. She could walk and run without falling over or wobbling, another thing unique for her age. There was definitely something special about her.

"See ya later," Furlan finished and left with Levi close behind, zipping up into the air.

"I wanna fly!" Lilith said to Isabel, pointing at the now closed door.

"You will, one day." Isabel answered while clipping up the long jet black hair out of Lilith's face.

"Fly! Fly! Fly!" Lilith chanted, running through the room with her arms out. It was a shame she had only seen birds flying in the books Levi brought home for her.

"Up you go!" Isabel grabbed the speedy toddler and lifted her up into the air, spinning in circles as they laughed their worries away.

.  .  .

"Any new leads?" Furlan asked Levi who wasn't too far ahead in the air.

"Maybe," he answered, eyeing a small bulkhead door on the far end of the city. "Here." He landed just before it.

"Uh, don't even think about it."

"Too late."

"Why not send in one of our guys instead? I'm sure they could use the money." Furlan continued.

"No, this isn't a job for them."

"Well, you're not going alone," Furlan said to himself, given Levi was already through the door.

They made their way down a few steps and began to walk through the dirt tunnel.

"You gonna fill me in or-" Furlan went to ask but was cut off by a hand over his mouth, Levi's.

"Someone's here," He whispered before ducking behind some barrels by the entrance.

He began to try and listen in on the men standing around a table. There were two. One was short and fat with greasy brown hair. The other was tall with average weight. Not too skinny, not too fat. He had blonde hair and bandages wrapped all around his arms. That's all the information Levi could take in from where he was.

"We have to move in," Levi whispered as softly as he could after turning to Furlan's ear.

"W-wait!" Furlan hissed quietly, trying to stop his impulsive friend, but was too late. Levi was already on the move.

.  .  .

Levi crept up as close as he could get to the two strangers, being very cautious as to where he was. Furlan followed closely behind, struggling to keep the 124 pounds of ODM gear quiet. Guarding his back and aware of his movements, Levi begun to listen in,

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