Chapter Nineteen

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The gang had gathered their belongings and readied themselves to move about the ground.

After being brought up, they were sent away in a carriage. Levi and Isabel filled Furlan in on what happened an hour prior. He couldn't help but think of Lilith's future. Furlan wished for the same as Levi and Isabel, for Lilith's safety.

The whole ride to their new home, Lilith had her face hidden behind the curtain on the carriage window. She stood on her knees and peaked at the world, but didn't reveal her face to anyone outside.

Lilith never cared to ask about the upper ground. She was fine with the life she was living, even if it meant never leaving the house. Lilith knew this life would be easier on Levi, but at what cost? She was brought out of thought by a hand on her back.

"Sit down before you fall." It was Levi.

.   .   .

After a while, the carriage finally stopped. It stopped in front of a building, it was huge compared to what the trio had seen. Erwin approached their carriage and opened the door.

"These are our barracks, we would like you to stay here while another residence is being built for you and your daughter."

Furlan exited the carriage, followed by Isabel. While standing in the carriage doorway, Levi asked,

"What about Furlan and Isabel?" He didn't want to be separated.

"They may stay in the barracks or accompany you and your daughter. Either way is fine." After Erwin finished, Levi stepped out of the carriage.

Erwin extended his hand to help Lilith down, but she didn't reach back, nor did she have the chance to. Furlan picked her up from the carriage and held her on his hip, all while giving Erwin a cunning glare.

Lilith squinted at how bright it was outside, she wasn't used to this.

"Your eyes will adjust, just don't look straight up." Furlan whispered to Lilith, he could feel how tense she was. She only nodded in response.

The group followed Erwin into the barracks. He led them to a large room with four beds, a couch, a door that led to a bathroom, and a small kitchen.

"This is temporary, but I hope you find it comfortable. Your uniforms are in the crates to the left over here, you may change and ready yourselves to leave shortly." Erwin left after sharing his words.

Before closing the door, another team captain made a comment while looking at Levi.

"I know you've spent your lives living in a trash heap, but try to keep this place clean."

"What... did you just say to me?" Levi walked towards him, ready to start a fight.

"Hey! Don't you have that tone with your Superior Officer, you little punk!" Furlan placed Lilith down next to Isabel and threw himself between Levi and the Officer.

"Don't worry sir, we'll keep it clean."

"That's what I thought," he looked over at Levi, "Learn something from him." This made Levi clench his jaw. The Officer left, slamming the door behind him.

"Levi! Didn't I tell you not to cause trouble?!" Furlan didn't want more attention on them then they already had. He wanted to just lay low. Levi didn't care, he wanted to put everyone in their place.

"Didn't you hear how he talked about us? Like shit calling shit dirty."

"There's nothing we can do, we're not at the top anymore. Military hazing is always vicious. If you draw attention over something like this-"

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