Chapter Seven: Cranky Baby

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    A few months had passed since the arrival of Lilith, making her about 7-8 months old, old enough to crawl to say the least. She had still never been outside the house, they couldn't risk it. Furlan wanted to up the security around their house, but Levi didn't want to risk bringing more attention to them.

There hadn't been any more intruders since the last kidnapping attempt. It was safe to say the trio sent a pretty good message by killing the last two members who dared to try. Though there hadn't been another attempt, the three were still on edge, never leaving her out of sight.

"Ah~" Isabel cooed, trying to feed the cranky little one.

"You're doing it wrong," Levi snarled, taking the little spoon from Isabel and sitting next to her. "Like this," he continued, pressing the spoon gently to his bottom lip, then to hers. Lilith took a bite. He learned this trick a few days prior.

"Ugh, she does it for you but she's a brat for me," She complained.

"You just gotta do it to yourself and she takes it, see?" He did it again, until she did it on her own. "She learns by example."

"That's dangerous," Furlan snickered, coming into the living room from his room.

"Shut up," Levi hissed. Lilith's lip had begun to quiver.

"Here it comes,' Isabel said, preparing herself for the blow up. Lilith began to cry loudly with ear piercing screeches at the start of each breath.

"Come'ere," Levi groaned, he took the baby from Isabel's arms and stood to rock her. "Shh, I got you," he cooed at the baby, in hopes to calm her. He gently rocked her and her cries had slowly begun to fade after hearing the soft voice of her holder.

"Who knew Levi was such dad material," Furlan snickered. "It's cute."

"Shut it," Levi hissed, with a slight blush on his face. He continued to rock the baby who was drifting in and out of sleep. After a few bounces, she was sound asleep. Levi sighed and laid her to rest.


Hi, this was a short one but trust me, there's more to come. I just wanted to put in some cute fluff lol

Are there any readers who are like kinda invested in this? i'm curious lol

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