Chapter Twenty-Seven

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y'all ain't ready for this but here we go, enjoy!

   Lilith managed to break the lock on the trap door and make her way up, all while holding this book with her life. When she got to the top, she noticed it led right to outside. She didn't know which wall she was in. Her eyes stung from the light, though she had only been in there for a few days, her malnutrition made her body sensitive to everything.

'Focus.' Knowing she had to find out where she was, she began to walk. People were dressed less formally. The streets were only dirt and some stone, all the houses were made the same. She looked up to see a church with a lady on the front, 'Wall Maria?'

She continued to look around, there weren't a lot of people outside, mostly children. She noticed a boy sitting near a small wall along a nearby river, his face in a book. She made her way to him. The boy was young, probably her age. His hair was blonde and shoulder-length. He wore a blue shirt with tan pants. She limped towards him. Lilith didn't know why, but her body said to go to him, her body was telling her that he was safe. She got a few feet away and felt herself grow heavy, she reached out to him,

"Help..." She croaked. He whipped his head around and watched her fall. The boy threw his book down and ran to her.

"Hey! Are you okay?!" The child noticed Lilith's bandages and bleeding. "Eren! Mikasa! Help!" Within seconds, two other children appeared from a few meters away.

"What's wro- Who the hell is that!?" The other boy shouted.

"I don't know, but we have to get her to your dad!" The blonde yelled again. Lilith began to feel her eyes close. "No! Stay awake! Mikasa, help me!" The girl known as Mikasa lifted Lilith carefully.

"We have to get her home!" The boy referred to as Eren yelled.

"Right, Armin let's go!" She yelled down to him, to Armin.

The three children ran to Eren's home. The loud boy barged through the door nearly taking it down.

"Mom! Dad! Help!" Eren moved out of the way and Mikasa and Armin entered, Lilith still in arm.

"What- Who is that??" His dad asked loudly as he stood up quickly, knocking his chair to the floor.

"I don't know! She came running towards me and collapsed!" Armin answered.

"Quickly, get her on the table." Eren's dad directed. Eren and Armin threw everything off of the table while Mikasa placed her down.

"Doctor Yeager, please-"

"I know, Armin." The doctor said. He grabbed bandages, stitches, and ointments from a cabinet and began to tend to the girl. "Carla, please fetch some new clothes from Mikasa's room, then I could use some assistance."

"Of course."

.   .   .

"Excuse me, Doctor Yeager?" The blonde boy, known as Armin, walked into the room in which Lilith lay.

"Shh, she's finally resting so keep your voice low. What is it, Armin?"

"Um, I found this outside where she fell. I think it belongs to her." Armin handed the doctor the book that Lilith was clinging so tightly to. He flipped through the pages out of curiosity, but what he found caused him to break his demeanor.

"Thank you, Armin. I'll hold onto this for now. Was that all?"


"Yes, Eren?" The loud boy, known as Eren, stood behind Armin. Behind them was the black-haired girl, Mikasa.

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