Chapter Twenty-One

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   After putting Lilith to bed, the three adults went into the other room to talk.

"This is gonna be an issue," Furlan said with crossed arms.

"I know." Levi agreed.

"This really sucks, she never acts like that." It shocked Isabel when she heard cries earlier. Even if Levi had done something, it wasn't like her to cry out like that.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Furlan asked Levi.

"I don't know," he thought for a second, "maybe we can see if she can come to the grounds with us for a bit. Not everyday, but enough so we don't come home to this. It isn't fair to her."

"We can ask the Commander tomorrow, but I wouldn't get our hopes up. Don't mention anything to her unless it's official." Furlan wanted this to work, but he's a realist.

.   .   .

The next morning came quickly. The trio was to report to the training grounds for ODM and titan attack training. After saying bye to Lilith, Levi made his way to the private rooms building in hopes of finding the Commander in his office, and so he did. He knocked on the door and waited for a signal to enter,

"Who is it?" A stern voice asked.

"It's Levi."

"Enter." Levi walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Can I make a request?" Levi asked, he didn't like having to ask for permission to do things, but he had to for Lilith.

"You may, it may not be granted though." The Commander, sitting at his desk, gestured for Levi to take a seat in front of him, and so he did.

"My daughter's having a hard time adjusting to her new living situation. She's not used to being left alone with someone she doesn't know for long periods of time. My group and I were wondering if her and her caretaker could come watch us train a few days a week so that she isn't always left alone." The Commander sat back and crossed his arms,

"Is there something wrong with Anna?" He asked.

"No, she's great with her, but she isn't used to this and it's putting a big strain on her." Levi didn't like having to explain his request so much.

"Training grounds can be dangerous for children. May I ask how old she is?"

"Almost eight. She's well behaved, so there isn't much to consider." The Commander was quiet for a moment, then took in a breath.

"Very well, I'll allow her to attend the training grounds for small periods of time on certain days." Levi, unknowingly, let out a sigh of relief. He stood up and made his was to the door,

"Thank you," he said before leaving the room. The Commander stood up,

"Levi." He called out. Levi stopped and turned his head to the Commander, "Are you sure it's a good idea to have her out in public?"

Levi felt his eyes widen and chest sink, maybe she isn't as safe here as he thought she was.

.   .   .

Levi walked back into the barrack to see Isabel and Furlan about to leave. He walked past them and made his way to Lilith who was still asleep. It was only sunrise after all. He knelt down and shooker her awake.

"Lilith... wake up," He said quietly. She made a little noise and rubbed her eyes.

"Are you guys leaving?" She said, looking first at Isabel and Furlan near the door, then to Levi who is knelt beside her.

"Not yet, get dressed. You're coming with us." He stood up and took the covers off of Lilith.

"I am?" Lilith's confusion grew.

"She is??" Isabel and Furlan simultaneously asked.

"Yeah, I talked to the Commander and he approved. It'll only be for a little bit though. Anna's gonna meet us there." Lilith connected the dots and let a smile grow from ear to ear. She shot out of bed and ran towards the bathroom, she paused and went back towards Levi. Lilith threw herself at his stomach and wrapped her arms around him, he had to put a foot back catching himself from her weight.

"Thank you," she whispered into his abdomen. He put his hand on her head

"Go get ready or we're leaving you behind."

"Okay!" She quickly made her way to the bathroom to change.

After a few minutes she peeked her head out the bathroom door and asked for Isabel to come in. A few more moments passed.

"Oi, hurry up you two, we're gonna be late." Levi barked.

"Almost done!" The two girls giggle after their matching words. The boys looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They looked back once they heard the door open,

"Ta-dah!" Isabel had her arms stretched out, showing off Lilith's light purple dress with white lace around the base and neckline. It had sleeves that puffed and stopped at her elbow and a ribbon around her waist. Her hair was brushed back into a high-ponytail with a white lace ribbon.

Levi didn't notice, but a smile was glued to his face. He walked up her,

"You look beautiful, Lilly," He placed a hand on her head, careful not to mess up her hair. She didn't say anything, she just let her smile grow.

"Alright! Time to get goin," Furlan shouted, ruining the moment. The four walked out of the room. Furlan was the biggest, so he walked in the back. On either side of her, Levi and Isabel walked, holding each of her tiny hands in theirs. As they walked through the halls, they could hear whispers from the scouts.

"Why's there a kid here?" One asked his partner, to which the other answered,

"No idea, they usually don't live here."

"Maybe they stole her," one man said, laughing to his comrade. This caught Levi's attention. He went to turn but felt Lilith's grip tighten on his hand. She wasn't looking at him, her head was kept forward, but she heard what the man said. She didn't care what others thought, because she loved her family. Lilith just took this as him being jealous. Levi's nerves were calmed by Lilith's gesture. It was incredible what this little girl was capable of.

Lilith was a bit nervous to be around so many people, but she felt safe having the three around her. She knew she wasn't going to be able to stay by them all day, but it was better than being in the barracks.

(here's the inspiration/reference for Lilith's dress)

Also I haven't been getting a lot of readers recently so I'm not sure how much more of this story I'm gonna post lol

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Also I haven't been getting a lot of readers recently so I'm not sure how much more of this story I'm gonna post lol

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter tho  <3

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