Chapter Twenty-Five

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WARNING: This chapter has torture and human experimenting, read at your own risk!


   Lilith was chained to a wall, her hands above her head and her ankles pinned back. The skin in those areas were rubbed raw from her constant struggle for freedom. Around her neck was a leather collar coated with a burning slimy substance. With every breath Lilith's lungs screamed.

Lilith still couldn't think straight, her sight hadn't fully returned so all she could see was blobs of color and a vague silhouette. All she could make out from this was a tall blonde man sitting at a desk about a meter in front of her.

He appeared to be writing something down. She squinted her eyes to examine what was on his paper, but nothing could be seen.

After a few excruciating moments, he stood up and made his way to Lilith. He put a finger on her chin and made her look into his deep blue eyes.

"Are you ready, darling?" A sadistic smile stained his face.

"For... what?" Lilith croaked, her throat was dry, possible from laying on a dusty cement floor for who knows how long.

Without answering her question, the man turned and grabbed a small whip off of his desk. Lilith's eyes widened at the sight, she knew what was to come. She yanked on the chains above her head in hopes they would come loose, but failed. She could only feel them rubbing deeper into her raw wrists. She continued to struggle for freedom but nothing would budge.

Suddenly, she felt a harsh sting on her stomach and let out a scream. Her eyes drew down to see her once-white nightgown now bloodstained.

"Ah~ What a beautiful noise~ Do it again!" The creep spoke to Lilith's screams.

After a few more slashes, he walked over to his desk and wrote something down once more. Lilith was now hanging by her wrists, she couldn't bear to hold herself up any longer. She had slashes all down her stomach and legs; the air in her lung felt like it was piercing her from the inside out. She truly felt like she was dying.

"Why... why are you... doing this," she struggled to ask the twisted man. She barely cared about what his response was going to be, she just needed a way to stall from any more of this torture.

"Oh~ I'm so glad you asked! You see, people like you are rumored to have incredible endurance and can withstand immense amounts of pain! I've always wanted to test such a thing, but I could never get my hands on one. Until I saw you going above ground with the scouts. Oh boy that made me get butterflies~! The best part is, I saw you AND another one, it was a boy though. He wasn't as pretty but I was going for his next if I didn't get you. But maybe once I'm done with you," he walked back over to Lilith and grabbed her burned and bruised neck, pushing the slimy coating farther around her neck. The burning sensation was unbearable. "I'll go get him next."

Lilith thrashed herself around, his comment made her furious. She knew he wouldn't be able to detain Levi, but the thought enraged her.

"Oh, a feisty one we have here! Too bad we're done for today, my dear." He said with a lip out and a tilted head. After finishing his obsessive scribbling in his book, he undid her chains and brought her back to a cell. This time, it was a cell closer to where they just were. He didn't bother to chain her down again, she was too injured to try anything. "Goodnight, beautiful."

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