Chapter Five: Not Yet

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   "We're ba- FURLAN!" Isabel dropped the bagged bread and rushed over to Furlan, still mounted on the intruder who was unconscious. It had only been a few minutes. Levi, in shock, ignored the mess of a dead body on the floor and ran towards the baby's bed, hoping she was okay.

With a sign of relief, he saw she was. He picked her up and held her close. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath.

"Furlan," Levi said, placing his baby free arm on his friend's shoulder, "Tell us what happened." He firmly said. Furlan mumbled something inaudible.

"Speak up," Levi raised his voice this time. His temper grew at the lack of information.

"They were after Lilith!" Furlan yelled very clearly, still not looking at his concerned mate. His hands clenched tighter around the blade. Levi's heart sank at his words,

"After... Lilith?" he repeated, to which his friend nodded. Levi's eyes went dark as he clutched Lilith closer. She let out a little noise at his grip tightening and let loose immediately. "Is he still alive?" Levi asked.


"Put him in the basement," he commanded Furlan, to which he obeyed. Furlan stood, even though his body felt many times heavier. "Take the body outside, I'll clean the blood." Isabel, though in disbelief as to what just happened, obeyed her friends orders. She knew what was about to happen.

Levi proceeded to clean the blood while thinking of all the terrible things that could have happen if this baby were to get into the hands of sellers.

He thought about the terrible things he would do to get her back.

Unlike many, Lilith and Levi were two of the few Japanese races left within the walls. She would be worth more money than a man could need, more given her gender. Females tend to sell for more, given how useful they could be. This thought made Levi gag. He dove deeper into his head. 'How did they know she was here? She's never been outside that door.' Whoever gave the baby to them knew what they were doing. They knew the trio could protect her, but that one thought still stung Levi's head. How did they know where she was?


Heyo, so I know this chapter is hella short but like I said, they'll be getting longer soon.  The next chapter is a few times longer then this one

I still don't have that many readers but I really like posting so ima keep doin it :)

Warning: The next chapter involves mild torture so please read at your own risk, but enjoy :)

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