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Being a Jedi wasn't as easy as everyone suspected

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Being a Jedi wasn't as easy as everyone suspected. You had strict rules to follow that would determine your life to be restricted and. Well, boring. You broke one of these rules. Forming attachments.

You were a happy child living on Aq Vetina, you had a family, friends, a good life. That's when war struck. It was a wasteland of destruction and pain. You were taken in by a Jedi called Ahsoka Tano, she helped you learn the way of the force and how to become a mighty warrior.

You missed it sometimes. Not so the place but the people, your friends. Your best friend especially, you thought about little Din next door everyday, missing him so much.

You walked through the Forest, a brown hood over your head and saber stuck firmly to your hilt, bobbing up and down as you walked. You sensed something. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't necessarily good either. You kneeled down under a tree as footsteps approached. A Mandalorian? And, what looked like a floating egg behind them.

"We'll settle here for the night." The Mandalorian told the egg which was actually a cot, revealing a baby. He sat under a tree very far from where you were perched.

There was something so...familiar about him. You'd never met a Mandalorian, you'd seen them but never met one. You stared at the visor that tilted to the rest of forest, when it came in contact with your eyes.

The Mandalorian rose from the ground quickly and pulled out a blaster. As soon as he started shooting, you pulled your saber out and deflected the bullets back at him. "You're a Jedi?" He asks, mid battle.

"You're a Mandalorian?" You smirk back at him. He stops. He stares at you. You were so confused, what was he looking at? "Hello?" You wave your hand in front of his Beskar helmet to grab his attention. Instead of responding, The Mandalorian wraps his arms around you.

"It's you." You could sense his smile under the helmet, warm and beautiful. That familiar feeling came back again. You realise who's arms were around you, who you were going to kill if he shot at you once more. You drop your saber and wrap your arms around his waist.

"Din." You whispered, squeezing your eyes shut to make that moment last.

"Y/N." He responded, pulling away from you to look at you. Tears poured down your cheeks like a waterfall after a storm, they just kept on coming.

"Maker, it's been so long." You sigh, taking his gloved hands into yours. Your heart was beating out of your chest.

"Looks like my best friend has turned into a beautiful Jedi." He holds your chin, his gloves warming you up from the cold air. You smiled. His thumb traced your lips, you pulled away.

"I'm sorry..." You turned away and picked your saber from the ground. You looked up at the moon.

"What...What did I do? Was I too forward? I'm sorry." Din panicked slightly, scrambling after you.

"It's not you. In the Jedi code, there's a strict code you must follow, one of the main rules being...Attachments are forbidden." You manage to explain, tears staining your cheeks. "I broke it..." You sob.

"Y/N...When we were kids, we got 'Married', remember that?" He manages to form a chuckle, you smile thinking of your small wedding with the little boy.

"Of course I do."

"Well, we never got divorced." He laughs, taking your hand. "So, as your husband, I'm asking if I may now kiss my bride." He lifts his helmet off his head. You turn around and look at the man, seeing the little boy in his eyes.

His brown eyes sparkled in the moonlight, staring into your E/C ones. You didn't know what to say, it's either him...or being a Jedi. Him. Was your only thought. Was it the right one. The closed your eyes, something guided your forward, even though Din was in front of you...The Force was bringing you to him.

"You may." You finally say, smiling. He closes the ever nearing gap between both of your lips, kissing you passionately and happily. The hair above his lips and on his chin tickling face. His hands reach your head, pressing him closer to you. You broke apart for breath.

"That's, Uh, Grogu. A Jedi called...Ahsoka Tano told me his name."

"Snips. She's like a mother to me. Speaking of mothers, Does he need one?" You ask, turning to the green infant, he looked like how Ahsoka described an old Jedi Master.

"He could use one. More importantly, I could use another person around. Especially if it's you." He smiled, pressing your foreheads together.

"Sounds good, Mando."

"You know my name, Jedi."

This was what you wanted. Him again. And a baby! The Jedi code doesn't matter, it's lead more people to hate that to good. Attachments are important, especially when it's your husband.

Din Djarin [The Mandalorian] x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now