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You ran and ran but there was no stop

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You ran and ran but there was no stop. The killer chased and chased. The killer that ransacked your shop, stole your money, killed all the customers and employees and all that were left, was you. A small business owner in Tatooine.

You swerved the houses and shops and bars and hotels in the hot sand. Your legs becoming tired and your heart racing too fast. You began to slow down. He was catching up to you. And you reached a dead end.

"Shit..." You whispered. Go one way, you die. And you can't go any other way. You saw his shadow come into view.

"Thought you could get away, could ya?" He growls. You back up against the wall as he comes into view. Blaster pointed towards you. "Not so easy when those poor little legs give up on you." He shot.

A stinging pain entered your leg as blood poured out like a waterfall. You collapsed onto the floor and kicked yourself back.

"Sweet thing. Poor thing." He mocked, kneeling to your level. You panted in pain and shock, giving yourself a panic attack. "I could kill you. But that's wouldn't be very fun, would it?" He got back up, sweeping sand off his suit.

"It wouldn't." He collapsed in front of you. Blood seeping from his chest. You looked up, your vision blurring. The outline of the mysterious man, stayed in your vision until you passed out.

Ringing in your ear. A white light. These slowly turned into beeping and silver metal. You opened your eyes. You were in someone's ship, looked old, rusty, damaged. You looked around, you were in the cockpit. You sat up, in pain. You had a bandage on your leg, it had been put on early because of the amount of blood on it.

You were heavily breathing. Your surroundings were unfamiliar but what was outside wasn't. The Sandy hills of Tatooine. The hatch up to the cockpit opened. You gasped as a Mandalorian came out.

"Who are you? What am I doing here? Where am I?!" You questioned, panicking. You'd never seen a Mandalorian before, all you knew what that they were dangerous.

"I saved you. You're in my ship." The modulated voice replied. He was the mysterious figure who shot the thief and killer.

"My shop. I need to go to se-" You tried to get up but the wound was in unbearable pain. Every time you moved it felt like a thousand needles were injected into your leg.

"As much as I don't like them...I've called the authorities. They should be there now. They'll have to talk to you." He informed, you shook your head...all your stuff. All your work.

A light flashed outside, it was the police. You started panicking again. Shaking and panting and crying.

"You'll be alright. If they do anything to you, I'll deal with them." He says. You take a deep breath in, and a slow breath out.

The Mandalorian helped you into the hull and sat you down as the Tatooine police sat on boxes. You talked to them about it, in detail to what happened.

"Then I passed out and woke up here." You'd finished your statement.

"Do either of you know if the man is still alive?" The second officer asks, he was a Twi'lek. You looked at the Mandalorian.

"I don't think so." He answered. "And if he is, he won't survive for long."

"Alright, we'll have a look around. If we see anyone to your description acting suspicious, we'll let you know." The officers nodded.

They walked out of the ship.

"We'll be staying here for awhile, you can stay if you'd like."


Din Djarin [The Mandalorian] x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now