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A/N: I'm not dead !! I know, it's crazy. Here's an update, boom. It's mental, I'm sure. Last time I updated this book was literally a year ago. Enjoy!


The moon shone delicately on your pale linen bed sheets that lay sprawled across your bed. You sat on the side of your bed after endless hours of tossing and turning, however nothing could shake your mind from the overwhelming sense of loneliness you were forced to experience. After several assassination attempts on your family, you were confide to a life or safety and security. This meant you had no one but your family and bodyguards.

You wiggled your feet into the slippers beside your bed, and took your nightgown from the hanger. You opened the door to your balcony, the cool breeze of air flew past your figure in a satisfying way. The view of the city was the highlight of your nights. You could only dream of what other people would do inside those buildings.

Your life wasn't completely lonely. You had one person, who you rarely saw anyway. Of course, no one knew you knew him, and you were determined to keep it that way. But whenever he was near, he would visit your balcony in the dead of night to see you once more.

"Cyar'ika," You heard the modulated voice of your lover in the subtle wind, accompanied with the warm glow of his jetpack behind him. You looked above you. A smile growing on your tired face.

"Din!" You said in a slight whisper, your face filled with glee. As he lowered himself, you waited patiently until you could wrap your arms around him once more.

"You missed me?" He asked before you suddenly hugged around his metal frame dramatically. You nodded into the Beskar chestplate, your smile against the cold material.

"More than anything, my love. This house drives me insane, you know," You told him quietly, watching as he took his helmet off.

That face you'd seen so many times before, how you adored it. You kissed him gently, taking his hands into yours.

"One day I'll take you far away from here," He'd told you of this day so many times before. The dream of going on so many adventures with him, seeing him every day. Loving him as much as you could. You knew it was merely a dream, something to keep you happy as you continue to live the same pattern everyday.

But it didn't have to be like that. You could go away with him, you could live those adventures and see him every day. And your desperation for an escape grew more powerful by the second.

"We should. We must. Can today not be that day, Din? I am tired of this dreamless life. Save me." You begged him, holding onto him tightly.

"I can't. You know that. I'll be in danger," He stroked your cheek, your eyes full of crushed dreams.

"No. No! You won't, I'll make sure of it. How will anyone ever knew it was you who saved me? I'll pack my things and I'll...I'll write a note. Please, Din," You begged endlessly for his approval. He looked inside your room, full of darkness.

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Djarin," You assured him, holding his leathered hand tightly. He took a moment, collecting his thoughts before he made this decision.

"Start packing."

Those words were music to your ears. Finally, you had the chance to leave. You had the chance to be happy away from the same four walls you were confide to since you were a teenager. You were freed.

You smiled wider than you ever had, your cheeks began to ache. You were overwhelmed with joy, so overwhelmed that you began packing immediately. You took a bag and all necessities. Clothes, money and a survival kit your family had made in the event you had to leave home. And it came true, you had to leave home.

You sat on your bed with a pen and paper, looking down, not knowing what to say. "I don't know what to write, my love," You whispered across the room, he sat outside on a chair and looked in through the open glass doors.

"Whatever's on your mind. Speak your truth," He encouraged. You placed the pen down on the paper, a spot or ink appeared, and there was no way you would ever turn back from this.

'My Dearest Family, Bodyguards, Assistants and Friends,
      With the reading of this letter, I am gone. I have left home. No one has kidnapped me nor coerced me to leave with them. I am completely in control of my own thoughts while writing this letter.
     I felt trapped. Confined to these walls. I couldn't take it any longer. It is not entirely your fault, but if I were to live a normal life, I would be happy.
      Don't attempt to search for me, I will return on my own accord. If you do not abide by that, then I will only leave until you let me go.
      Yours Truly,

You placed the pen down on the paper, wiping the tears from your eyes. You were absolutely ready to leave your home, however it was a large step in your life that brought challenging emotions. You grabbed your bag, placed the note down gently on your made bed, and you stepped into the cool wind.

"Are you sure you want this?" Din asked, his hand on your shoulder. You looked to him with a slight smile. You nodded, content with the way your new life was headed. "It's dangerous."

"Din." You warned in a lighthearted tone, he chuckled under his breath. He placed his arm around your waist.

"Hold on tight, sweetheart." He told you as both of your bodies were lifted from the ground. You held around his neck tightly as he carried you in a bridal position. The wind flew passed your face strongly, your eyes watering from the contact. You turned your face from the direction the wind pushed passed you, and saw your reflection on Din's helmet.

"You saved me, Djarin." You yelled over the sound of wind, and you heard him hum a sound of appreciation. You felt more powerful than you ever had, in the sky with your strong lover, as your family assumed you lay soundly asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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