Stuck forever

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You ran until your calves burned in pain, almost giving in beneath you. You saw the red sparks hit the metal pole beside you, immediately disregarding it and running. You couldn't let him catch you. You had to lose him somehow, but he was too fast, and much stronger than you, and he sure was experienced with a blaster. You saw a carrier pull up in front of you with a creak, you swiftly avoided it and turned left into what you thought was an extension of the street, but was in fact an alleyway, a dead end.

"Dank Farrik!" You yelled, walking backwards. You felt a sharp pain digging into back, the metal digging uncomfortably shaping a line on your back. You felt around it, trying to get a sense of what it was without turning to face whatever, or whoever was behind you. It was the distinctive shape of a blaster. A circle with a ridged edge, falling into a hole.

"Don't move." You heard the modulated voice in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. You listened to him, not moving a muscle, just so you wouldn't have a hole in your abdomen. You slowly raised your chin up to the sun that blared above you. You hoped and prayed this wouldn't be your last time seeing it. 

He put cuffs around your hands and pulled you backwards, onto the street. The people stared at you as you were being shoved to his ship like cattle. You grunted as he dug his blaster deeper into your back, so close to whipping around and smacking his stupid beskar helmet. As you made it to the Razor Crest ship, you marvelled in her glory.

"What a beauty, huh?" You muttered, loud enough for him to know you weren't cursing him with death or something. You walked on the smooth ramp, watching the sunlight reflect off the metal. She was an antique, no one would expect a Mandalorian to be flying a Razor Crest but perhaps that's why he was.

You sat down in the passenger's seat in the cockpit, looking at the panel, countless glowing buttons made you grin with joy and partial pride that he kept her in such good shape. He sat down, staring blankly out of the window and clicking buttons that he'd memorised the placement of.

"Where'd you find her? I haven't been able to find a Razor Crest in the entire Outer Rim." You began small talk, he didn't reply, but of course you wouldn't go on without a word from him. "Never expected a guy like you to fly this beauty." You joked, not getting a chuckle out of him. You leaned forward, looking at the buttons and switches before he flicked you away.

"Don't touch anything." He said, completely unbothered with your one-way conversation. You sighed, leaning back in your chair.

"What will they pay you?" You asked, he turned slightly, jumping into hyperspace.

"That's above me." He replied, sitting still in his chair.

"I killed a man, I was 9. His family has been chasing after me ever since." You admitted, he looked taken aback by that, like you'd said something so diabolical, well, you did but he'd probably heard much worse. "You're the only one who's caught me. Well done."

"Why did you kill him?" 

"He was a bad man. An ally of the Empire. My father." You explained, he looked all the way around now, entranced in your shoulder. "He put us all in danger, but only I noticed that. So one day, I put a hole in his head." You seemed insane, telling this story like it was a campfire one.

"Are you joking?" He asked, leaning forward to look at your face patterns. You shook your head, smirking at him. "What happened after?" He seemed so suddenly intrigued, a change in light.

"That's above you." You scoffed, causing him to huff. You weren't giving an answer until he answered yours. 

"40,000 Credits." He replied, looking away from you. You wouldn't dream of ever having that many credits, considering you didn't do well financially. 

"I ran away with nothing. I thrived off scraps from the street for years. I'd say I'm doing better." You told him, he seemed sympathetic with the sudden posture change. You stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before he cleared his throat. Your cuffs came undone suddenly.

"Don't touch anything, don't steal anything, stay where I can see you and maybe, just maybe, I'll help you." 

He held onto your arm tightly, walking to the house you'd forgotten about. It looked a mess, your childhood home. He knocked on the door. You looked at him with a nod, he nodded back. A woman opened the door, dark circles prominent under her eyes, she stared at you wide eyes. Your mother. She opened the door wider, showing your siblings by her side.

"Hello, Y/N." Your brother smirked evilly, you gave a pleading look to the Mandalorian but he just tossed you to the ground. Your mother threw the credits in a small brown pouch to him. You stood up, staring at your family as the door slammed shut.

You had a blaster and comms device on you, and the Mandalorian was waiting patiently outside, ready to kill the evil bastards that stood in the old dining room. You were thrown to your chair, your name still carved onto the wood. Your mother brought a hard slap to your face. Your head snapped and you smiled.

"We're gonna make you pay for what you did." Your eldest brother smiled, slamming his hands on the table. You crossed your arms, still smiling. "Maybe you'll see dad in the afterlife."

"They're not going there just yet." Your mother spoke softly, the insanity taking over her mind after years. "We're going to bring you to the brink of death and chuck you out, you pathetic little bitch."

"Of course you are." You replied, putting your feet up on the table. "Hurt me all you want, that scumbag will never come back." Your brother brought a dagger from his pocket and put it to your throat. You slowly reached for your pocket, not fast enough to alert movement. You clicked the comms device, signalling that it was time, and brought your blaster out, shooting the man in the chest.

The rest of the family backed away violently, bringing out blasters of their own. "That Mandalorian didn't see you with that?" Your mother scoffed. "So much for 'Best in The Guild'." She laughed, as did your other siblings.

"That Mandalorian is standing right behind you." A few shots, you didn't see anything else, the light was too blinding. You opened your eyes to see the slumped-over bodies of the scumbags that raised you. You looked at the Mandalorian, smiling at him.

"Let's go." 

You left quickly, standing by the side of the Mandalorian, your shoulders touching. You had blood on your hands but you didn't care, as long as you were free from running. The Mandalorian brought you back to his ship, telling you he could use some help.

"You went out of your way to save my life without a background check, my mere existence is in your hands. I'll do whatever you ask of me." You tell him, sitting in the Razor Crests hull. He sat next to you, passing you 20,000 credits. "No." 

"I insist."

"All I did was give you a cool entrance, sweetheart. Keep it." You pushed them back to him. He didn't take them, just push them back to you. 

"Take it."

"No." You replied once again, he groaned. "Maker, you're needy, maybe I don't want to be here." Taking the credits and placing them beside you. "You know you're stuck with me forever now?" 


Din Djarin [The Mandalorian] x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now