11-The Avengers

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Um that went well. Great Storm one bloody hour here and you already yelled at your adopted father and the whole avengers heard. Great just Great. FML! And to top that off my soulmate marks are killing me, cant show emotions, emotions gets you killed.What am I supposed to do now everyone keep staring at me. This is so awkward. Okay I had enough of there staring, I'm not an animal at the zoo!

"Take a picture it will last longer," I said breaking the silence everyone looked away, accepted 9 guys. One with a medal arm (Bucky), another that looks 16 (Peter), one that looks like Hawkeye (Clint), a captain America look alike (pretty obvious, Steve) , a guy with white tipped hair (Pietro), a guys with red skin (Vision), a guy that looks like criminal (Scott), the one and only villain that started the fight in New York, and some nerd that looks like a doctor person or something (Bruce). Wait are theses my soulmates what there are 9 of them and I only have eight marks and why did I says look a like they are the real thing.

"I like her," say the woman that is black widow, "I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat."

"I'm Stormi but you call me Storm of something like that I could care less," I said that think she would get made but I was wrong her smile just got bigger. 

"Okay lets start with introductions," Pepper says. The girls started saying their names first.

"Wanda", "Nat", "Nebula", "Gamora", "Pepper", "Shuri", "and that little girl over three is Morgan", 

"Hi",  Morgan says while running to huge me. "Hi sweetie I'm Stormi", I said hugging her back. Which was weird because I don't like when people touch me.

"Clint", "vision", 'Rhodey", "Bucky", "Fury", "Loki", "Steve", "Thor", "Sam", "Pietro", "Scott", "Drax", "Rocket", "Peter Quill", "I'm Groot", "T'Challa", 

"H-hi I-I'm Peter Parker", say a really cute with puppy dog eyes. I decided to be nice to him i would fell bad for hurting his feelings.

"Hi Peter Parker, I'm Stormi Sky", I said back. He smiles at me.

"I'm Bruce Banner, the HULK", the guy that looks nerdy says. "Well what are you?"

"WTF you cant just asked that Banner!" Clint says.

"What I want to know if I'm going to be leaving with her, a psychopath and a criminal, and didn't you hear Tony saying something about Grand theft Auto?" He says in his defense.

"Okay you now what I'm not a psychopath or a criminal and also didn't commit Grand Theft Auto I paid for those cars with hard earned money," I said trying to stay calm "I don't know what your problem is with me but i have done nothing wrong everything i have done in my past i was forced to do." I started to get angry, I just knew my eyes were bright green.

" I started to get angry, I just knew my eyes were bright green

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To be continued...

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