just a rant

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Michael: *Exhales slowly.* Ok so I can't hood this in anymore. So as some of you know I listen to many artists  and music genres while writing. So today I'm going to say something about a certain...little...piece...of...utter....shit!

So I keep up with celebrity news in my spare time and I would just like to rant about that little shit Justin Bieber. I'm also going to compare him to a few other artists as well.

So let's start with Justin. He has done so much fuck ed up shit. First of all he desecrated a Chinese war shrine, wrote in the guest book at Anne Frank's house saying that she would be a belieber if she was alive, mocked the people's champion of the Philippines, desecrated the Argentinian flag, vandalized private property in Australia, mocked the royal family, smoked weed in an airplane to where the pilot was intoxicated, smuggled drugs into the USA, drag raced under the influence of alcohol,  made Selena Gomez go to rehab, peed in a mop bucket AND SAYS THAT BEING GAY IS A FUCKING CHOICE!!


Now let's look at another performer, Miley Cyrus. You see I have always been a fan of hers. She's pro-LGBT, twerked on the Mexican flag (I heard that she is sorry about that) and sent a homeless child to accept an award for her and speak out about homelessness (which is personal to me) and has done none of the type of crap Justin has done.

Now onto 1D. They, like Miley, make good music. Are law-abiding citizens and are pro-LGBT like Miley.

So I have seen people say that Miley is as worse as Justin. Well let me tell you something bish *Takes slipper and slaps you with it hard in the face*

Wake the fuck up! Now I have to go and calm down before I smack someone else... *Leaves missile launcher*

Just incase.

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