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Jasmine: *on Michael's bed in a straight jacket*

Llama llama llama llama llama llama's!!

Michael: =_= and you say I'm the idiot

*walks out of the room and come's back with a llama canon*

you want llama's? Oh I'll give you llama's but first lets go somewhere that won't be destroyed

*drives with llama cannon strapped to the roof of the car and Jasmine in the front seat screaming about llama's*

*le arrive at a llama ranch*

Ok Jasmine come here

*ties jasmine to a fence post*

ok now to test this out

-an hour of shooting llama's at Jasmine's face later-

Jasmine: The llama's have exepted me into there society hahahahahahahahahahahaahaha

Michael: well time for plan B

*walks up to Jasmine and slaps her*

Jasmine: Wha? What happened and why am I in a straight jacket and tied to a fence post O_o

Michael: =_=

Llama: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

*steals Michael's car and drive's off a cliff while going meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh and a man going NO LLAMA NO*

Jasmine and Michael: O.O

Jasmine: uhhhh why am I at a llama farm?

Michael: =_= git

*Jumps on a llama*

Have fun

*llama puts on sunglasses*

llama: Lets go

*run's and leaves fire in it's tracks*

Jasmine: *derp face*

Da faq just happened!

*canadian goose starts pecking Jasmine on the head*

=_= I hate Michael right now...and nature

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