Morgan Freeman

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Michael: We have a message for any of our readers who are going into there first year of high school.

Jasmine: We will try to make this entertaining so Michael will be acting out the cenario.

Michael: Wait what O_o *gets pushed into a deep dark hole and lands in a world made of candy*

Jasmine: There will be metaphores. I will let Morgan Freeman narrate this

Morgan Freeman: Thank you Jasmine *Camera switches to Michael and narration starts* Now young Michael here is in elementary school and I compare it to a wonderland of joy and happiness.

*Michael finds a deep dark well and gets pushed in by a rabbit*

Now Michael is in middle school which is like a hole of darkness...despair...and suffering for most people. It is also one of the most embarressing time of many peoples life.

*Michael gets enveloped by a strange light*

Then...comes high school...

*Michael opens his eyes and is surrounded by his irl friends and there laughing and having a good time*

High school is like a light at the end of the is hope to people to find were they belong. Your bullies become more mature and you start to get friends and start your first relationships and crushes. You also discover things about yourselves.

*Michael thinking about asking his crush out*

Michael here has been through bullying, depression, abuse and self-harm...but he has people there for him. The point is...things get better as time goes on and you always have people there for you.

*camera focuses on Morgan Freeman as Michael asks his crush out

Jasmine: Thank you Morgan and there will be a more entertaining chapter in a little bit...see ya

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