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Luke: Hello and welcome to author war news and today we w- *Gets hit by ten frying pans that were thrown by Tyme*

Tyme: I said not to treat this part as a news show! Git =_=

Jasmine: Thank you Tyme now I have some news

Ryan: *walks in the room*

Jasmine: A-as I was s-saying

Ryan: Jasmine are we going to talk about the last chapter after this or...

Jasmine: *faints*

Michael: Well I guess I'll tell you guys. Jasmine is thinking of leaving this account and starting her own account. We want to know what you guys think so just put your thought's in the comments below.

Ryan: Did I make Jasmine faint when I talked to her O-o

Michael: Yes you did because she has a crush on you the size of the moon.

Ryan: So that's why she kissed me?

Michael: Yep pretty much ._.

Rocky: *Licking Luke on the face*

Michael: As for me I'm forever alone ;-;

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