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Jasmine: *flying through the air on a office chair, while typing in a laptop thats on a desk*

Michael: O_o How are you doing that *still flying through the air next to Jasmine*

Ryan: I'm wondering that too *flying on the other side of Jasmine while laying down in the air*

Jasmine: I do NOT know but it helped me think up an idea for my own book


Amber and Tyme: *Still fighting*

LostPiper: *eating popcorn with Alex*

Zebratheweirdo: How are they still fighting. They have been fighting for hours.

Luke: I do not know ._. but it's entertaining.

Zebratheweirdo: Can someone pause them so I can use the restroom?

LostPiper: Sure *grabs a remote and presses the pause button*

Amber and Tyme: *Frozen in time*

Zebratheweirdo: Thanks *leaves to use the restroom*

Luke: Where did you get that?

LostPiper: I got it from England ._.

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