The shadow killer

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Leon just walked down the street, trying to forget that day’s events. As he passed the usual stores and shops he heard what sounded like a whisper.

"Leon…” He looked around and his eyes eventually landed on a set of items in the shops window. He then heard the whisper again…but it sounded…clear and hypnotizing.

"Leon…take us…” He walked up to the store window and he saw what the items looked like in the pale moonlight. They were two katana’s…crossed in the shape of an X and on the hilt…were skulls with emeralds for eyes. He felt something…unusual come over him as he stared at the weapons.

He snapped out of his trance when he heard his phone go off. He groaned when he saw who was calling him and ignored it. Leon looked at the weapons in the window and walked home…with someone waiting for him.


The next day Leon woke up and groaned as his new black eye throbbed. He didn’t want to get up and go to school…and be ridiculed with the same insults. He got up, got dressed and left before the only other person in the house, his dad, woke up for work.

School went by quickly with him going through the same routine: Getting insulted throughout the school day, getting punched and kicked at lunch and hurrying out of the school. He walked home but he took a different route then he usually took home…and he kept hearing whispers in his mind.

“Leon…take us…and kill them all…you know you want to…” That repeated over and over in his head and slowly drained his sanity. The whispers got slightly louder and louder as he got close to the shop with the weapons that beckoned him. He then felt something snap when he looked at them…and he started forming a plan.


That night, while his dad was sound asleep, he got ready. He put on a hoodie, black pants and black sneakers. He then jumped out his window and ran to the shop that held what he was after. He got to the shop twenty minutes later.

He broke the window and took them, strapped them to his back and ran back home as the alarm rang from the store. He got home and went downstairs and into his dad’s room, Leon stared at his dad sleeping peacefully in his bed. He drew the two swords and stood there as his dad woke up.

“Son? W-what do you think you’re doing!?” A sinister smile slowly grew on Leon’s face as he saw a look of fear cross his father’s face.

“The shadows are calling…” His father’s eyes grew wide, “time for you to join them.” Before his father could say anything Leon killed him without a sound.

Leon disappeared without a trace that night…leaving many dead. The only way to know if he visits you…is faint whispering coming from the darkest corner of your room…and a figure emerging with a sinister smile on his face. The only thing you’ll hear before you die is Leon …saying, “The shadows are calling…time for you to join them.”

Author War'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon