Oh my glob

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Jasmine: *out of the hospital and go's to Michael's house*

Michael! Where are you!

*finds Michael on the floor of his room flailing around and making majestic peacock sounds*

da faq!? Why are you acting like admin from Hetalia crack?! 0.o

*looks at his computer, takes a sip of Michael's tea, spits it out and starts doing what Michael is doing*


Jerome: *come's back from the bathroom*

What did I miss?

Luke: Zebratheweirdo followed them and now there flailing around on the floor and making majestic peacock sounds.

Jerome: O.o our authors are almost as weird as zebratheweirdo themselves!

Tyme: Yep and we work for them as character's in there books O-o

Everyone: O-o

Rocky: *Barks five time's*

Brad: What is your dog saying Luke?

Luke: He said that he slipped some drugs into Michael's tea O-O

Everyone: O-O *staring at Rocky*

Rocky: *waging his tail and bark's three time's*

Luke: He said he got it from Canada

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