Reader confusion

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Michael: Ok JPgaming20 asked if there are two Sara's because there's a Sara in Honeymoon from hell and a Sara in bullied by my crush. Well I'll let Sara answer that.

Sara: Thank you Michael. No there aren't two Sara's. I play both so I'm both books. Sorry if that confused you.

Amber: Hey Michael.

Michael: Yeah?

Amber: When are you gonna make the prequal to honeymoon from hell.

Michael: *derp face* I don't even know

Amber: Well are you going to start any other books soon?

Michael: *derp face*

Amber: Ummmm ok. Well character commentary is next.

Jasmine: Yep *grabs Michael and Ryan*

Ryan: How did I get involved in all this =_=

Jasmine: *Shoots them out of a cannon*

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