Truth or Dare #3

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Zebratheweirdo: *Zebra noises* Maybe I should turn everyone back and how can I talk when I'm a zebra .-.

Rocky: I don't know but I don't like being human I like being a dog :(

Zebratheweirdo: Let me see. *Stomps hoves three times and everyone is back and tied up with ropes* Hey it worked :D

Wolf Michael: Can you change us back now *Barks*

Zebratheweirdo: *Stomps hoves four times and everyone changes back and ropes dissapear*

Tyme: Finally I'm not a fox anymore

Luke: You still look like a fox to me *smirks*

Tyme: O/////////-//////////O

Amber: Hey save it for when your in private. We know you two are married but still now to deal with Alex *Grabs a rope, ties up Alex and gags her with a potato*

Zebratheweirdo: mhmmff

Jasmine: Ooooooook then well on to the dare and this one is for Michael *reads the dare* wow *snickers evilly*

Michael: *gulp* That doesn't sound good O-O

Jasmine: This is from ButterTARDIS36

England: *Shows up in the tardis* Did someo- *Gets stopped by Jasmine throwing a honey badger at his face and dissapears with tardis*

Jasmine: Git =_=

Michael: You threw Frank D:

Jasmine: ON TO THE DARE! It says...

Dare for Michael now: I dare you to eat the most rotten cheese you can find and don't swallow it immediately but savor it.

Michael: But I'm lactose intolerant D: and I miss Frank ;-;

LostPiper: *sneaks out of kitchen with a mountain of rotten cheese and puts it behind Michael*

Jasmine: Oh stop it now eat

Michael: But where am I go- *Turns around and runs into Rotten cheese mountain* Why do you hate me ButterTardis36 ;-;

Jasmine: *Shoves Moutain of rotten cheese into Michael's mouth*


Jasmine: You can swallow now :D *Makes Michael swallow*

Michael:*Stomach rumbles* uh oh O.o *Farts and flys out window*

Whyyyyyyy meeeeeeeee... *Flys into space*

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