Truth or dare #1

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Jasmine and Michael: *Arrive at  the house where everyone was wathcing them*

Jasmine: Hey guys :D

Amber: *groans*

Jasmine: What's wrong with her?

Luke: In Honeymoon from Hell I shot her in the heart ._.

Amber: It hurt like hell =_=

Michael: Ok then well hello everyone and welcome to the first truth or dare chapter :D

Jasmine: Yep and the first one is a truth.

Zebratheweirdo: *Falls from a hole in the cieling* I'm ok :D

Michael and Jasmine: O-o

Michael: Ok then since the person that suggested the truth is her why don't you say it

Zebratheweirdo: Hold on I have to do something first *grabs a cauldron* -3-

Jasmine: O-o what is that for?

Zebratheweirdo: -3- you'll see *puts a witch hat on and puts a lot of random stuff in* ok just need one more thing

*walks away and comes back holding a tied up jerome above her head* Just need to pur him in -3-

Jerome: Help me!

Jasmine: woah woah woah put fluffy down and just take a hair off his head.

Zebratheweirdo: awwwww your no fun *takes a piece of hair off of Jerome's head* Ok here gos *drops hair in cauldron and a cloud of smoke fills the house*

Jasmine: What did you do!?

*smoke clears and everyone sees LostPiper sitting in the cauldron*

Zebratheweirdo: It worked yesss I am a wizard!!

LostPiper: Alex next time just call me =_=

Zebratheweirdo: I probably won't :D

Anyway my truth is: How much do you two hate eachother Michael and Jasmine.

Michael: *hanging upside down over a cauldron fills with lobsters* ummmmm how did I get like this *derp face*

Jasmine: *holding the rope thats holding Michael* I'd say were like frenemies ._.

Zebratheweirdo: Oh ._.

Michael: Can someone get me down .-.

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