I have a weird mind

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Michael: Earlier one of my neighbors,  who is 11, was blasting Justin Bieber songs and then this sequence went on in my head...enjoy :D


Michael: *puts book down, gets in a cab and it drives to a airport,Gets on a plane and listens to music*

*plane lands, I get off and get in a cab*

*Cab stops infront of Justin beibers house, I get out and walk to the door and I ring the door bell*

Justin: *Opens the door* Yeah?

Michael: *Punch him in the face*

Justin: *knocked out* X-X

Michael: Get your shit in order, pull up your pants and wear a FUCKING shirt and keep it on!!! *Goes home like nothing happened, knocks on neighbors doir, gets let in, walks up to her room*

Lauren: Hey Michael :D

Michael: *Takes a bat and breaks stereo to pieces then walks home and picks book back up and continues reading*


Michael: Yeah...

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