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Michael: *still making whale noises and flailing arms with squid in his mouth*

Jasmine: =_= Your a complete idiot

Michael: *flops on the ground and starts flopping like a fish with squid still in mouth*

Jasmine: =_= Sara

Sara: *Pops out of no where* How did I get here? O_O

Jasmine: Nevermind that can you take Michael to a psychiatrist or something =_=

Or ask canada if he drugged Michael...again =_=

Sara: uh...sure?

*dissapears in a puff of smoke*

Michael: *starts acting like a chicken* :^

bok bok bogawk

*stars pecking the ground*

Jasmine: =_= next chance I get your going on ebay

Michael: *starts pecking Jasmine's foot*

Jasmine: =_= I hope those frying pan lesson that I got from Hungary come in handy

*pulls a frying pan out of purse and starts beating Michael on the head with it*

Michael: *acts like different animals everytime he is hit on the head*

Sara: *comes running with Canada next to her*

Ok Canada tell Jasmine what you did

Jasmine: finally your back

*Still hitting Michael on the head with frying pan*

Canada: I-I drugged his tea and I also replaced his meds ._.

Jasmine: =_= *starts chasing Canada with frying pan*

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