more randomness

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Zebratheweirdo: *appears out of no where behind Amber* Herro Amber~.

Amber: What the?! Weren't you locked in the basement with Jerome!?

Zebratheweirdo: Yes but I escaped and left him down there :D

Amber: O.o ok then you get coockies for that

now come on we have to get back to the group and there's a buffet table

Zebratheweirdo: Yay :D

I just hope England didn't cook anything

England: I heard that!

Amber: We didn't let him near the kitchen

Only Italy, France, china and Japan cooked...exept all Italy made is various types of pasta


Jasmine: *comes back with a bottle of Michael's meds*

Ok so I chased Canada for hours then I beat him with a frying pan then he told me where he hid Michael's meds...which were inside Michael's computer and hell knows how he got them in there.

*Grabs a water bowl*

Time to go give Michael his meds

Michael: *acting like a dog*

ruff ruff ahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Jasmine: *puts two pills in the water bowl*

ok boy here's your water drink up

Michael: *walks on four legs to the dog bowl and drinks it*

Jasmine: So how are you feeling

Michael: *starts twitching and making clicking sounds*

Jasmine: O_o What the duck!?

Michael: *starts bouncing on head and making duck noises then starts flailing on the ground*

Jasmine: uhhhhhhhhh...should I call 911 O_o

Michael: *grabs a can and starts acting like a REALLY old man*

I remember when dime used to cost a nickel

*falls to the ground and acts like a seal*

Jasmine: O_o

or...should I be calling 911 right now...or both

*gets phone out of purse and calls 911*

911 operator: Hey Jasmine need the usual?

Jasmine: yes I do sylvia and I also need a straight jacket for Michael until he gets to the hospital O_o

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