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Pariah walks about the caravan

along the winding road whose path is carv'd

through hills at foot of mountain range and leads

toward the northern coast of South that they

should reach tomorrow, for this strip of land

is narrow, from what he did glean from maps

he studied in his youth when he was one

for routes of trade by vessels faring sea.

Remembering these maps from years ago

he now recalls the sea his counterpart                10

will need to cross if Master's words are true

as South and North—along with Spine—are split

by waters treacherous his other hop'd

above all else he'd not be made to cross;

but still, it's possible he will decide

instead to join this carnival, as Spouse

seems so reluctant leaving South behind,

which suits Pariah either way it lands

as maybe he can make a life herein

with which his vows toward the moon and Spouse                20

can both be simultan'ously upheld,

for through the week that pass'd he hunted free

throughout the city's streets which now they've left,

to wash away its grime with Luna's light

and still was able t'hold an eye on Spouse.

Along the chain of wagons on the road

Pariah comes upon the animals

in cages roll'd on wheels by the day;

examining the line he gazes on

a list of creatures once he couldn't name—                30

for few are of the desert in the South—

consisting of the lions, elephants,

the zebras, cheetahs, ostriches, giraffe,

rhinoceroses, jackals who reside

more regularly in the Western steppes;

orangutan and monkeys, chimpanzees,

a tiger and okapis of the East

where jungles are alleg'd primarily;

And foxes, lynxes, falcons, grizzly bear

who make their homes in taigas of the North.                40

The only ones he knew before this time

are th'ones who're known historic'lly to chase

the desert sands which blow across the lands:

the camels—steeds with famous humps for backs—

and vultures—harbingers of things to die.

And horses certainly, who pull the carts,

for they're the most domesticated beast

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