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Alone he wanders, journey'd from a home

perhaps that never quite belong'd to him,

nor any place he ever call'd this name

at any point in life that led to this.

He thinks of nothing, thinks of ev'rything;

remembers all whilst naught's in memory;

recalls the years of walking hath he seen

as if from someone else he's stolen these,

adrift upon this ever-winding road,

beneath this light of ever-changing Sky,                10

and burden'd with an ever-morphing soul

fragmented in his chest, not knowing why

it had to be his burden borne across

the land, yet not to wish for someone else

instead to bear this trial that is his,

for never would he wish another self

to suffer lest he suffer sympathy

regardless not possessing of this yoke.

The River travels down this low'st plateau

and carries him to north within his boat                20

to lie and never sleep, but gaze up high

at ev'ry shade of blue and pink and grey

and red and black the Sky assumes above

as sun and moon continue their dispute

whilst he is left unguided on his way,

except by th'hand of th'River flowing down

the mountain t'ward the Sea so finally,

with memories to keep him company

whilst th'water brushes th'hull beneath his head

as if to rinse away the excess thoughts                30

so only what is relevant remains.

He was a Preacher in a coastal town

so far to south most maps do not display,

and there he lov'd a Maiden with his heart

and soul, which split in twain upon her fate,

whereat he roam'd the lands on th'winding road

to bring her memory to paradise,

yet also t'end the evils plaguing Earth

to make the land the better for all life;

it's both of these he hop'd t'accomplish, yet                40

kept sep'rate—dual personalities—

until these past few months he tried pretend

and ended chas'd from town along this stream.

It's at this point remembering himself

as Sol begins to set behind the Sea,

that Pilgrim rises, starting dialogue

with th'other half of him he knows can hear:

"So long ago I told a lie toward

myself, repressing memories that form'd

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