8- ❂❂ -II

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With mind more clear, so wash'd with tavern's drink,

our Preacher walks the streets toward his home

whereat, around the back, he finds the Doll

awaiting his arrival on the stoop.

"Surprise, surprise. Did not expect to see

thee here." He winks. "How fares thy kicking babe?"

She stands at his arrival, hugging him

and planting kiss upon his cheek before

she draws away and rubs her baby bump,

so big she doth appear about to burst.                10

"She's doing fine. Perhaps with two more months

will she be done and ready to emerge.

Which I'll be glad about; her weight is great

upon my form, as well voluminous."

Our Preacher laughs as he unlocks the door

and steps inside. "Thiy'll certainly be big.

Thou seem so certain that thy babe's a girl,

but with that size, don't mind if I express

my doubts about this gender guess of thine."

She rolls her eyes. "To men tis always size                20

determines ev'rything upon the land.

But I've an intuition, thou shouldst know;

a feeling in my gut, quite lit'rally.

I've borne this baby seven months by now,

developing a mother's sense along

the way, with which I've figur'd out the sex.

But never couldst thou understand this sense

so that is where I think I'll leave such talk."

Our Preacher thinks to jibe—to criticize

this sense of hers, but figures mentioning                30

the fact she isn't sure who father'd her

still forming babe would mar the mood instead

of coming off as joking, so he stops

himself from speaking up. A prostitute

deserves some dignity, all said and done.

Instead he offers invitation forth

for her to join him for a cup of tea,

for though the nature of their friendship's sway'd

away from their licentious intercourse

(which both enjoy'd together through the months)                40

because of th'one that grows inside her womb

so big and cumbersome and possibly

endanger'd by th'engagement of their flesh,

they still maintain an affable affair,

as both enjoy the other's company

and on occasion just the other's touch.

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