8- ❂❂ -XII

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Ascending up the path toward the hold

upon the snowy summit of the cliffs,

our Preacher presses onward through the cold

in garb more suited for the cool of spring.

The air is still and quiet up this high,

but in the distance, twixt the sev'ral peaks

he hears the shrieking tempests twisting through

and knows at any moment could they come

and bear a blizzard down upon his head.

He presses onward rubbing arms with hands                10

both cover'd by his sleeves to shelter them

from contact with the summit's frigid air,

which scrapes his throat with ev'ry breath he draws,

accustom'd still—he'd like to think at least—

to desert's arid winds as dry as these,

but not toward this biting, bitter chill.

He's push'd already for a day and night,

exhaustion mounting as he's climb'd the slopes,

and on this newest day of frigid cold

that flesh begins to freeze beneath his robe,                20

he starts to think his path's led him awry

until a silhouette doth manifest

before his eyes upon the mountain's face,

and now he comes upon the citadel

wherein the Coven hold experiments

and live and have invited him to come

so many prior times he can't recall

exactly what the number maybe is.

He gulps upon approaching t'ward the gate

and hopes through frozen brain they'll still accept                30

him in their household after he's declin'd

so many invitations offer'd ere.

He touches flesh to gate, perceiving here

how cold the metal is before he wraps

his sleeve around his hand to rattle it,

whereat beyond the yard within the walls

the entrance door at front of th'alcazar

pops open for a face to peer outside,

and once the Preacher's spotted by the guard

the younger man comes rushing to the gate                40

in coat and hat and furs of animals.

"Thou silly traveller, thou art a fool,"

the man declares whilst rushing to the gate.

"This palace is for those invited here

by th'owners deep inside who wish to keep

their privacy from those outside its walls!"

Our Preacher, shivering, doth here reply:

"I am invited in. Or so I've been

before on numerous occasions, though

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