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Reluctantly the Tamer shows his act

and lets our Pilgrim practise what he does,

and soon there comes a point the Master comes

into the tent to see the progress made,

and so impress'd by talent that he sees,

devises something for the Spouse to do

t'improve upon the Tamer's one-man show,

and once the two of them have master'd this

he takes them to the circus tailor's tent

and hath them measur'd for their costumes' fits                10

with words of haste to have them done tonight.

And once this all is done and day hath pass'd,

our Pilgrim and the Spouse decide to nap,

and though he'd rather not be made a show

for fools to gawk upon, Pariah finds

no matter how he keeps his eyelid clos'd

his counterpart is unprepar'd to wake

when comes the time that they arrang'd for call.

So on he plays along and dresses up

in tights and jacket, tie around his neck                20

with feelings that he's lost control of life—

at least until he sees the Spouse fit with

a costume similar to th'one he wears,

and lost control now spreads toward his loins,

of which she takes a notice with a brow

that's rais'd and smirk, assuring later more.

They exit from their sleeping tent and walk

toward the one that holds the lion show,

her strut convincing him that she hath worn

this sort of garb before and mark'd herself                30

with makeup much the same as now she wears,

accentuating th'angles of her eyes

and contours of her face so delicate.

The only thing that now seems out of place

is th'roundness of her belly which he notes:

"Hast thou been eating much as thou shouldst take?

It's common for a starving person's gut

to swell as flesh retaliates against

the person who neglects thir hunger's pangs."

She furrows brow at this and gives th'remark                40

whilst stopping in her tracks to turn to him:

"If thou again shouldst wish to comment on

my gut, I'll have thee strung up by thy toes

and then we'll see th'effectiveness thou hold

in taming lions. Am I clear to thee?"

Without a wait for answer she proceeds

and leaves him for a moment standing there,

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