5- ☾☾ -II

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Pariah, once the show is over with,

doth lead the Spouse with amorous intent

toward their sleeping tent, wherein the two

engage with greater passion than before

they ever have (and likely due to garb

the two of them are wearing which conceals

the flesh but not the shape of it beneath),

and once the two—exhausted, satisfied—

collapse upon their cots with sweat to drench

and breath to catch within their heaving chests,                10

doth Spouse now mention what's been on her mind:

"My dear who showers me with endless love,

prepare thyself for news which now I must

effuse with thee that now our breaths are caught,

which, though, I think thou'rt like to lose upon

this revelation once again, with shock

exemplifying how I know thou'lt feel

relay'd this information I've for thee.

Catharsis also I believe should come

harmonious with this, so fret thee not;                   20

instead I hope thou join my joy, for we've

laid far too many times for us to try

declaring this event impossible."

Pariah's lips are parted by what he

believes the Spouse is likely to relay;

he chuckles, grinning wide from eye to patch

and says: "If what I think thou'rt like to say

is what is next produc'd upon thy tongue,

then probably I'll have to leap from bed

and spread the news before I take the time                   30

to even dress myself in tights again."

She laughs at this and shakes her head with th'words:

"I'll purse my lips until thou promise not

t'embarrass me for news that's so mundane

when one considers all our parents ere

did also manage what we two have done."

Pariah nods and calms himself at this

now pondering what's overtaken him.

It's probable flamboyancy of th'act

hath seep'd into his mind and caus'd him lose                40

the reservations typic'lly he holds.

"I promise not to make a fool of us

if only I'm allow'd to hear this news

pass out thy lips into my ready ears

with voice of thine which I'm enamour'd by

and could lend passage t'ward most horrid things

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