Author's Note: Recap me this story, I forgot.

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Hey guys! Miggy here, long time no write. I am not usually the type of person to make update chapters but considering I left you guys in a 4 month hiatus, I think it is time for me to update you guys on my life and my plans for this account.

Well you know what happened life and university happened, BUT I have good news! I am on a 3 week break before the summer semester! WOOP! 

What is my goal during this break? FINISH THIS STORY! & POTENTIALLY...Start a new story? I have been thinking a TXT BxB fic? Those fanfics are hella rare and I am that person who LOVES to write stories based on niche ships and groups, so any ship suggestions - please leave them in the comments! I have a SooKai fic in my mind, so yeah.

Another thing I wanna talk about, what happened in this story? Can you guys recap it for me? I think we are getting close to a concrete finally, so I wanna remember it so I can write properly. It's been a good while since I wrote. I think it was December. Also what do you guys want to see in this book? Like any storyline suggestions that will help flow and possibly conclude the story? If you guys don't want me to end it, want to give me some DRAMA situations? I am open, my books are literally K-Dramas, a good 16 chapter would be sufficient enough considering I want o write more and expand my portfolio, but yes I would love your feedback...seriously, comment down.

Well that is all that I need to talk you guys about, if you guys wanna see more gay stuff, follow my editing account @tokusimp on Instagram. I started doing more than Thai BL edits, and I been trying to encourage myself to binge watch K-Dramas this break, so yeah. I wanna be productive as hell in these three weeks, so I hope you guys come along this journey with me.

That is it for me, I am signing off. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and see you on the next chapter! Baiiieee <3

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