Chapter 15

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This is the last chapter, but that doesn't mean this is over. I will explain in the end, what is going to happen to this couple.


We are going to do a little time skip to January 2021 a.k.a the time for new beings and hopefully Ms. Rona would go down a little bit.

But what about MinSung? How are they after the confession? Let's dive in.

Jisung felt annoyed at himself for even rejecting him, but what can you do? Would rather be honest and tell how you really feel? Or lie and be guilty about it? I would choose the honest option.

Jisung wasn't ready, so he said the right thing. But what happens if it went the other way around, he wouldn't would have felt the same thing. So I guess this was a great thing for him to do.

But what about Minho? He was upset by a lot. Because he never liked a guy a before and it sucked that his first boy crush rejected him. 

Is Minho over him? We honestly don't know. That's all going to be on him, he is just going to treat it like they never talked about the confession.

New Year means new beginnings. With 2020 being so messed up, anything surprising can happen.

Jisung was with Jeongin on the phone, just to update on what has been happening since the confession.

"So? How are you?" Jeongin asked.

"I feel down, but I will get over it." Jisung said frowning.

"Do you want me come over and stay for a while there? I could keep you company for a few days." Jeongin asked. 

Well with Jeongin living alone since Hyunjin left him, why not? He feels like he needs someone too. Also Jeongin hasn't gone out in a long time, so he has been social distancing.

"Sure, why not?" Jisung said slightly better. Because he can finally vent to someone about his feelings, even Jeongin needs some opening up. Also it won't be as awkward with Minho.

"Okay great! I am going to pack a small suitcase, the landlord won't worry about me because I pay by card so he just receives it." And with that, he was already packing.

Jisung never told Minho, but he isn't really against people coming over especially if it is someone he is acquaintances with.

The younger boy decided to fix his room, without looking at Minho's presence and just went on calmly. By the time he was done the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Jisung said as he stood up.

As he opened the door, there wasn't just Jeongin...but Hyunjin as well. 

"Hey, why is Hyunjin here?" Jisung asked trying not to be mean.

"I called him." Jisung heard words from behind him. It was Minho.

Jisung looked down and saw that Hyunjin has his suitcase as well... Does that mean he is staying here too?

This will be awkward. We will see more of these two couples, in "Close Distance"

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