Chapter 10

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Yes, we finally back! Today we are going to be switching the positions for you, the reader! 

We always seem to be in Jisung's POV so far, but ever since he got a new roommate, we never heard from him. So let's dive in to the mind of his ;)

For Minho, when he first saw Jisung, let's be honest... he was weirded out. I mean that was a very random moment when he joined that Zoom, so he didn't really get a chance to process the moment because he also saw Hyunjin after a long time.

I mean Jisung was just in awe when he popped up. I guess he was falling hard, at first sight! Minho doesn't know that, so that's why he was probably creeped out.

I mean we all been knew.

Minho is usually isn't the type of person to accept strangers messages or even let them join Zoom conversation, but considering he was mutual friends with Hyunjin whom he greatly trusts, why not? 

Plus Minho somewhat felt different when it comes to Jisung, he can't really explain it. I mean you guys saw the early chapters, Minho accepted his text message AND the video chat invitation. No one would ever be that forward, ESPECIALLY when you met a stranger.

Once they did the Zoom call, something clicked for Minho he doesn't know why. He felt somewhat better when Jisung's presence was there, weird but some people are like that. The connection is so strong from the first meeting.

I mean he even called Jisung cute... 

But as time passes and their are technically living with each other, Minho may be slowly catching on feelings. But slowly, not like Jisung who would jerk off at that the thought of him, not like that. Let me remind you guys that

Minho's a gentleman, so he doesn't wanna dive in with his  gut feeling so soon. He needs to spend more time with Jisung to see where it would go in a nonchalant way. 

He has a crush on him, and when you have a crush on somebody, you really need to spend time with them. Why? So you can be sure with your feelings before taking a chance with it, but it could be difficult for Minho because;

1.) He doesn't know if Jisung's gay (Ahem...)

2.) If Jisung is feeling the same way.

I guess it's time for Minho to take a big step, he isn't going to be holding back. Let's see where this goes...

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