Chapter 4

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So we back here again! Jisung admiring what's on his screen, and he has taken a lot of screenshots

To avoid this awkward silence, Jisung started to ask some questions to break the ice. Only break the ice, not do things with it.

" looked liked you were getting ready for work?" Jisung asked, trying to chill.

"Yeah." Minho gave a small smile, I would've died. "I told you before, my meeting was cancelled so I am just letting loose now." Minho explained laughing to what he already texted to Jisung before.

That was the most humble thing he has seen so far, in his life.

"Right. Sorry." Jisung apologized looking a bit embarrassed.

"Awww, you're red. So cute! No need to apologize to me." Minho was soft by Jisung's reaction.

Dang, they seem to be getting along very well!

"Hey, do you mind me changing my shirt here?" Minho asked casually and so openly too.

You know what Jisung's answer was going to be...

"No! Not at all! Please, go on." Jisung smiled. He basically gagging for it!

With that Minho FINALLY removes that white button up shirt that he has been holding on for so long! This led to him exposing his whole chest area, and WOW was he well defined, thank the heavens!

Jisung was trying not to widen his eye balls, and was trying not to be a creep. He was savoring the moment! 

Minho grabbed a shirt from behind the chair he was sitting on and put it on, leading to a full perfect view of his chest, abs and nipples. Jisung was drooling! Once he put on the shirt, he hair went messy and Minho decided to ruffle his hair, leading to a perfect hairstyle.

'Wow' Jisung thought in his head.

"Sorry about that." Minho smiled. "Also sorry again considering the background, a.k.a my room is a bit messy."

Jisung didn't notice his room till he mentioned it. Everything was such a blur on screen considering the focus is only Minho.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I mean we are not even meeting people at our homes anyways." Jisung said laughing, with Minho smiling to follow suit.

"Well it's not that I'm messy, it's just that I was thinking of moving out of this old apartment." The minute Jisung heard that, an idea popped out of his head and it's very far fetch. 

"Messy? The apartment looks huge from what I can see." Jisung peeked as if he can see the rest of the house.

"Well, I am unable to afford these kind of luxuries anymore, considering I am thinking of saving for the future. I was thinking of moving or even joining someone as like a border or something."

This could be the time for Jisung to say something.

"Hey, I have one room free actually...You could use it, if you want too, that is." Jisung asked shyly slightly blushing. But he should be act PROFESSIONAL, calm them cheeks.

"Really!? Umm, this so sudden. I would love to accept it, but let me think about it. The offer was just so sudden I didn't expect it. Also with quarantine guidelines, the situation could be a bit more complicated. I hope you understand." Minho was in awe by Jisung's sudden gesture, he doesn't know how to feel.

"Oh, don't worry. Please take your time." Jisung said, even though on the inside he wants Minho to accept it asap.

"Thank you for understanding." Minho smiled warmly.

This just took a turn...

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