Sports Festival

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Before the Sports Festival, I trained a lot. It was quite tiring but I pushed myself since I wanted to do my best.

~Morning of the Sports Festival~

I rushed out of my house and ran to school. I quickly got changed in the girl's locker room and changed into the U.A P.E uniform.

"Crap! I'm so nervous!" Mina exclaimed shaking me a little.

"You'll do great Mina." I smiled out as she stopped shaking me.

"Guys we have to go." Jiro said pointing to the door. I nodded my head and took in a deep breath.

We walked into a waiting room where the rest of my classmates were. Everyone was talking with each other about how nervous or excited they were. I spotted Bakugou sitting down by himself.

"Hey." I said with a small smile as I sat down next to him.

"Hey." he replied looking over at me.

"Man I can't wait to fight people out there!" I said getting more and more excited just thinking about it.

"I can't wait to blow these nerds away and win!" Bakugou said, giving me a smug look.

"I'm sure you'll do great." I laughed out. My smile quickly faded and I looked down at the table we were sitting at.

"Hey, do you think they told?" I mumbled still looking down.

"Huh? What the hell do you mean?" Bakugou asked confused.

"I mean about us. Remember that day at the park when Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima saw us. Do you think they told anyone?" I asked finally looking up at him.

"Knowing those idiots they probably have, but I don't care if people find out. Besides everyone needs to know you belong to me." Bakugou said furrowing his eyebrows.

"I was just worried people would make a big deal out of it." I chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah will if anyone has a problem with us being together they can suck my ass." Bakugou said closing his eyes and leaning back in his chair as he put his feet up on the table. I giggled at his comment.

"We can beat them up." I smirked out as I held out a fist. Bakugou opened his eyes and smirked at me.

"This is why I love you-" He started saying then realized what he said and got red as his eyes got wide.

"Do you mean tha-" I started to say as I turned red as well, but then Mina interrupted me.

"Yo Aisaka it's starting!" she said as she pulled me up off my seat and pulled me by my wrist.

As we were entering the arena we heard cheers coming from all the people watching.

"Woah! There's so many people!" Mina cheered as she saw all the people in the arena.

"Yeah. Lucky them, they're gonna have a good show that's for sure." I stated proudly with a smirk on my face.

"Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot, kinda makes me nervous. How you feelin man?" Kirishima asked Bakugou who was walking in front of him.

"I'm not worried, makes me wanna win this thing even more." Bakugou smirked out. I tried keeping my distance from him, ever since he told me that he loved me in the waiting room. It's not that I don't love him back, it's just I wasn't expecting it at all.

Especially since we've been dating for only a few weeks.

I took a deep breath and shook my head to try and forget about him.

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