USJ Attack

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The next day at school, my dad announced that we would be going on a field trip. He told us that this would be a rescue exercise. I was pretty excited about this. I got up and put on my hero costume, then headed down to the bus where a few others were waiting. 

Once the bus stopped, we all filed out and we were greeted by pro hero, Thirteen. Thirteen led us all inside and we stood above some stairs, looking at different places where we could practice rescuing people. Like a landslide, shipwreck, and etc. Everyone awed at how cool it looked.

"Hey shouldn't All Might be here already? Let me guess, he booked an interview instead." my dad sarcastically said.

Thirteen walked up to my dad and explained why All Might wasn't here, but I didn't hear since I was too busy looking at all the cool places that we would be practicing rescuing people.

"Isn't this place so cool?" I asked Bakugou who was looking around.

"Yeah, sure." he said looking out at the shipwreck area. I smiled at him as he looked out at all the different terrains.

I could feel blush appear on my face as I looked at him. I saw him turn his head towards me and I quickly looked the other way.

Crap I really hope he didn't notice me staring at him!

I heard him lightly chuckle.

"Clock's ticking. We should get started." my dad suggested. Then thirteen explained to us that we should be careful of how we use our quirks, since they can be so dangerous and deadly. All of us cheered once she finished.

"Right, now that that's over." my dad said. Then the light began to flicker.

"What the hell?" I whispered under my breath. Then I saw some sort of portal appear. My dad turned his head and saw it too.

"Stay together and don't move! Thirteen protect the students!" my dad demanded.

"Woah what is that thing?" Kirishima asked. We all saw the portal grow larger. Then people began stepping out of the portal.

"Wait has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people." Kirishima mentioned, walking forward to get a better look.    

"Stay back!" my dad commanded. " This is real. Those are villains." my dad pointed out. We all gasped in fear. Suddenly my dad jumped down to fight off the villains. Thirteen stayed back with us to protect us. I looked down and saw my dad fighting the villains. He was really good.

Then Thirteen told us to follow her and leave through the entrance of the building, but before we could escape, the man with the portal quirk appeared in front of us, blocking our only way out.

Then Kirishima and Bakugou jumped towards the villain, trying to attack it.

Those idiots! What are they doing?

"Did you just think we were gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Kirishima asked.

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful children. Otherwise someone might get hurt." the villain said.

"You two! Get out of the way right now!" Thirteen commanded towards Kirishima and Bakugou.

Then all of a sudden, the villain activated his quirk, making a black mist to surround us. Once it disappeared, I was standing in a building that looked unstable. The walls were crumbling and cracked, and there were holes in the walls too. I looked around and saw Kirishima and Bakugou.

"Man what happened?" Kirishima asked, rubbing his head.

"I think that villain has some sort of warping quirk and brought us three here. There is a good chance he separated our class." I pointed out.

Falling for the Hot Head (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now