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The next day we had school and it was pretty boring other than training. 

After school I went straight to the dorms and studied in the common area. 

"Ah! Aisaka, glad to see you studying so well." I heard Iida say as I wrote down some notes. I looked over at him and saw him peering over my shoulder. 

"Could you give me some space?" 

"I apologize! I will allow you to continue to study." he said as he pushed up his glasses and walked away. 

"What a nerd." I mumbled under my breath. I continued to write down my notes when I heard an  explosion. 

"What the?" I quickly looked up and stopped what I was doing. At the end of the room I saw Bakugou and Kaminari. Bakugou looked pissed and Kaminari was holding up his hands in fear. 

"WILL YOU NOT USE YOUR LOUD ASS EXPLOSIONS IN THE DORMS! I'M TRYING TO STUDY!" I yelled out. It caught their attention and Bakugou looked at me with a surprised look almost. He bumped into Kaminari as he walked away. 

"Damn I need peace and quiet." I muttered to myself as I started scribbling down my notes again. 

A few minutes went by and it was finally quiet. Then I heard footsteps, I quickly picked up my head and looked over to see who it was. It was Todo. 

"You've been studying ever since you got here. You should take a break." he said as he sat down next to me. 

"Ha! No way, I'm almost done anyways. I just have one more page to study." I said as flipped the page in my notebook. 

"I've never seen you study so hard. Are you failing a class? I could help you if you need it." 

"What, no I'm not failing a class. I'm just trying raise a grade to an A plus. I have an A minus in grammar, which I absolutely hate. I just thought if I studied more I could raise my grade." I replied. 

"What are you're grades? I know you're one of the most intelligent students in our class." 

"I have all straight A's other than that stupid A minus." I said writing down my last few notes. 

"Would you want me to tutor you?" 

I stopped writing and looked over at him. 

"Sure! I'd love that." I said with a smile. I saw him look down a little and smile. 

I finally finished my notes and closed my text book and notebook. 

"Would you like me to tutor you know?" Todo asked. 

"Oh, yeah sure, right now is fine." I said opening my textbook back up. 

Todo spent about 30 minutes tutoring me. I was understanding it a lot better thanks to him. I gave him a hug after he tutored me and thanked him for his help. 

"Wanna train outside?" I asked as we both got up from the couch. 

"Sure, however, it looks quite dark. Would Mr. Aizawa be ok with this?" 

"Yeah, I'm sure. We just can't train too long or else he'll start to worry." 

"Alright then." 

Both of us walked outside, I still had my text book and notebook tucked under my arm. We got to a grass field just outside of the dorms. I placed my stuff down and we walked out in the middle. Both of us got into a fighting position. 

"Go!" I yelled out. Both Todo and I agreed to no quirks since we'd damage the grass and possibly other things, and my dad would be pissed. Both of us charged towards each other. Todo threw a right punch, I blocked it using both of my arms as a shield. I took this chance to knee him. He bent over in pain, as he bent over I kneed his head. He fell back but quickly got up. I threw a punch towards him and he blocked it with his arm. I repeated to throw punches towards him, but he kept on blocking them. 

Then I backed up a bit to see where else I wanted to strike. I could tell he was trying to predict where I was going to strike. I decided to catch him off guard. I looked at his stomach and quickly swooped down and grabbed his ankles instead. I pulled his ankles towards me, making him fall. On the ground he was able to wrap his legs around me. He moved his feet up to rest on my shoulders. I decided to try and get up, thinking it was easy to get out of. However, when I tried standing up, I couldn't all the way. His feet locked around my neck, keeping me from standing up. 

Then he grabbed my heals and lifted up his torso, making me fall back. He quickly moved and put me in an armlock. I knew he beat me and I tapped out. He released his grip on my arm and we both laid there out of breath. 

"Good game Todo." I said out of breath. 

"Same to you." he replied back. Todo sat up and moved so he was laying down right next to me. 

"The stars look nice tonight." he said looking up at the sky. 

"Yeah, they look beautiful. I've always wanted to go stargazing out of the city." I said admiring the starry night sky. 

"Why haven't you?"

"Well it's no fun if you do it by yourself. If I ever went stargazing, I'd want it to be with someone." 

"Would you want to do it with me? I wouldn't mind stargazing with you." 

I felt a feeling of butterflies and I could tell I was blushing. 

"Yeah, of course! That would be fun." I said still admiring the stars. 

"We should probably head back now." Todo said sitting up. I agreed and sat up as well. 

Todo stood up and helped me up. I looked down at Todo's uniform shirt, then I looked at mine. They were super dirty. 

"Probably not a smart idea to fight with in our uniforms on."  I said looking back at Todo. 

"Yes I suppose so." Todo said rubbing the back of his head. 

Both of us walked back to the dorms and the first person I saw was Bakugou, he gave both Todo and I a dirty look. He scoffed at us then walked away. 

"Why does Bakugou seem so enraged?" Todo asked. 

"He's just being jealous, like always. Ha! I thought he said he was going to change. Guess not." I said crossing my arms. 

"Well I'm going to head to bed, goodnight Aisaka. Thank you for training with me." He said as he gave me a hug. I felt the same feeling of butterflies I felt outside on the grass. 

"Goodnight Todo." I said with a small smile as he let go and walked away. 

Damn it why am I getting so flustered? Suddenly words began ringing in my head. 

"Maybe you like him and don't even realize it" 

Jiro's words kept replaying in my head. 

Damn I need to go to bed. 

Falling for the Hot Head (Bakugou x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora