Another Visit

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A few days went by and I went to visit my biological dad again to see how he was doing. He told me he was going to try and get surgery since he's only in the second stage of cancer. 

"So that means you'll be able to be cancer free after right?" I asked. 

"Yup, I won't have to stay in the hospital for long." He said with a smile. It amazed me to see him smile even though he was in the hospital diagnosed with cancer. He sorta reminds me of All Might. 

"I can't believe Endeavor is the number one hero now. Doesn't he have a son that goes to U.A? I think you two fought at the sports festival. What's he like?" 

"Oh, he's nice, a lot nicer than his dad. Me and him are actually really close friends." I said smiling. 

"Oh, is that so? You'll have to bring him over sometime. I'd like to meet him." 

"Alright, I'll bring him next time." I said with a smile, however, my smile faded. "Is there a way I could contact mom? I wanna get to know her more and apologize to her for pushing her away. Does she know I've been coming here?" I asked. 

"No, if I told your mother you were visiting me she'd throw a fit, and I don't like seeing her mad. There is a way to contact her though, I'll give you her number but don't tell her I gave it to you." 

"Really?" I beamed with joy, I could finally apologize to her. 

"Yes of course! I'll write it down and give it to you. I'd need a paper and a pen however." 

I grabbed a small notebook out of my purse and a pen.  He grabbed them and began writing down her number. After, he gave me my stuff back. 

"There you go dear." He said with a soft, gentle smile. 

"Thanks dad. Well I better be going. See you soon." I said getting up. I gave him a hug before leaving then waved him goodbye. 

I arrived at the dorms late at night and saw Todoroki pacing back and forth, he looked very worried. 

"Todo are you ok?" I asked walking up to him. He looked at me and looked relieved to see me. 

"Where were you? I tried calling and texting you but you didn't answer, I began to grow worried. I thought you were in trouble." he admitted pulling me in for a tight hug. I began blushing a little. 

"Oh sorry about that! My phone died so that's why I haven't been able to message you. Probably should have told you I was going to visit my dad at the hospital." I said as I let out a nervous laugh. 

"Well luckily you're alright." he said placing his hands on my shoulders. I smiled at him. I thought it was cute that he was worried about me. 

"Yeah, you don't have to panic anymore." I said still smiling. "Oh by the way, my dad said he wants to meet you next time I go visit him." 

"He wants to meet me? Why?" he asked. 

"I'm not completely sure, but I talked to him about you and he said that he wants to meet you." I explained. I could a slight hint of blush appear on his face. 

"Alright, when are you going to see him next?" 

"Friday I think." 

"Alright, I'll be there." he said with a soft smile. 

I headed up to my room and took out the notebook my dad wrote my mom's number on. I put her number into my phone and messaged her. 

Me: Hey, this is Kireina, your daughter. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up? I'd like to apologize for pushing you away and I wanna get to know you more. 

She didn't reply which was something I was expecting.  I laid down on my bed let out a sigh.

"She'll reply tomorrow, hopefully." I said to myself  

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