Entrance Exams

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Just three months before the Entrance Exams, my dad had me train hard and a lot. It was pretty tiring but I fought through it and made it through the rough and long three months of training. The night before the Entrance Exams, I was wide awake all night, even though I spent all day training. I tried sleeping but I was too excited but also nervous. I finally fell asleep and then woke up early the next morning.

Once I was dressed and ready I began heading out. As I was about to head out, I saw my dad getting in his car.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as I saw him pull out of the garage.

"I forgot to tell you this, but I'll be a teacher at U.A, so I have to be there for the Entrance Exams." He said yelling out through his car.

"Wait really?" I said as a smile grew across my face.

"Yes, now I have to go and so do you." He said as he began driving off. I would've gotten in the car with him, but I like walking, besides it wasn't too far. As I was walking past a few houses, I saw a boy that looked about my age walking out of his house. He had blonde spiky hair and looked pretty tall.

Huh, maybe he's going the Entrance Exams too.

I decided to catch up to him a little bit to say hi.

"You going to the Entrance Exams too?" I asked, now walking besides him. He looked at me, then looked back ahead.

"Yeah." He said plainly as he kept looking forward.

"Cool, what's your quirk?" I asked looking at him. He looked at me again.

"Explosion." He said plainly as he turned his head to look at what was ahead of him.

"Woah! That's really cool!" I exclaimed, still looking at him. I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah, I bet it's a lot cooler than your quirk." He said looking at me now with a smug look on his face.I laughed a bit.

"Well, I suppose so, at least I think so." I said as we both kept walking.

"Well what's your quirk then?" He asked still looking at me.

"Nuclear Fusion." I said casually as a gave him a proud look. I saw his eyes widen a little.

"Why do you look surprised?" I asked with a smug look on my face.

"Tch, I just wasn't expecting you to have such a powerful quirk." He said looking me up and down.

"Well life's full of surprises." I said looking ahead. Both of us finally reached U.A and walked in through the gate. I looked around and saw a whole bunch of people.

"Woah there's so many people." I said as I continued to look around.

"Wait is that-" I heard the boy with blonde spiky hair mumble under his breath. "Stupid Deku!" He said out loud towards the kid with green messy hair. He turned around and look at us.

"Kacchan." the boy with green messy hair said.

"Get out of my way before I set you on fire." Kacchan said angrily.

Is "Kacchan" his name? Did he just call that kid "Deku"?

"Ohheygoodmorninglet'sjustdoourbestouthereokgoodluck!" Deku said nervously. Me and Kacchan walked past him.

"That was a bit harsh don't you think." I said looking at him as we continued walking.

"No it wasn't. I don't know why he's here when he doesn't even have a quirk." he said still mad as he looked at the ground

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