0 | Miraculous Chameleon

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"[Y/n]! Come back!"

I ignored my dad's voice, instead running out the backdoor of the house. He watched me sprint out the door and towards the forest behind our house, but he didn't follow. He knew to give me space.

My cheeks were stained with tears of both sadness and anger as the hot summer sun beat down on me. The only thing that cooled me down was the slight breeze that came as I ran and the shade once I passed the treeline. My feet broke sticks beneath me as I ran under the branches and leaves.

My dad and I had gotten into another argument today. It's become normal ever since my mom passed away a few months ago. Life has been getting progressively more difficult with my dad having to work twice as hard to keep us stable. He told me it's likely we'll be moving, which was the reason for our new argument. How could he want to leave mom behind like this?

I didn't pay attention to where I was running as I let my feet carry me through the forest. I felt a sort of sensation of freedom as I ran away from my problems, instead letting the summer air calm me down.

I probably should've paid attention to where I was going, because I ended up tripping over a tree root after getting lost.

I fell face first over the tree root on a bed of rocks beside a creek I had never seen before. I winced when I felt my bare knee get scraped, pushing myself up with my hands. Before I turned around to look at the damage, something in the creek caught my eye.

The creek water flowed quickly, the ground composed of rocks and dirt with the occasional leaf. Nestled in between two rocks was an octagonal box. It was stuck so firmly between the rocks that the current didn't pick it up.

Interesting, I thought as I reached into the creek. I cringed when I felt some mud get onto my fingers as I wrapped my hand around the box, my fingers grazing the bottom of the creak. It came off quickly in the water though.

Rinsing off the remaking mud in the water then brushing off as much water as I could from the top of the item, I looked at it more closely. It had strange red engravings, and the box itself could fit in the palm of my hand. Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I opened the box.

I saw a string bracelet, but only for a second as a blinding blue light ensued a moment later. I immediately dropped the box, shielding my eyes with a hand until it stopped. I lowered my hand and peeked an eye open, seeing a green floating... thing... in front of me.

"Ah! A giant, um, bug thing!" I screamed, grabbing a nearby rock. I began swinging it wildly, my panic only rising as the thing began flying around and dodging the rock. "How are you flying without wings?! Are you a robot?!"

"It's okay! Don't be scared!" The green thing tried to assure me in a high pitched voice, only making me swing around the rock more frantically. How the crap was this thing speaking?!

"Ah! Go away!" I continued swinging the rock at it, but eventually gave up when my arm got tired. Who knew swinging a rock around like that could get so tiring? Putting the rock down, I instead grabbed onto the thing with both hands. I brought it close to my face, narrowing my eyes as I looked at it. "What exactly are you?"

"I'm a Kwami! My name is Ellie. I'm from the Chameleon Miraculous!" The thing, or I guess Kwami, told me. I continued observing it. From what I saw as I swung my rock at it, it had a long tail that curled at the end. The creature was a light green, and had blue eyes. Its head was larger than its body. "I grant superpowers!"

"Chameleon Miraculous? Grant superpowers? What?" I muttered in disbelief. "Am I high?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. The Miraculouses can grant superpowers!" Ellie exclaimed, and I unwrapped my hands from around her. She instantly flew up to my eye level, but I scooted back as I was still wary of her. Instead of looking at her, I reached down and picked up the box she came out of. The string bracelet was still secured there, just a plain string with a gray pendant. "That's the Miraculous. If you put it on and say the activation phrase, it'll transform you to your alter ego."

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